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Responses: 4
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
Just like I argued earlier in a comment this country is at a tipping point because of boomers. They control the economy the wealth the industry the political environment it's time to retire an pass on the torch like the previous generations did. It's so bad it shows look at Trump,Pelsio,Biden,McConnell an even Schumer is getting up there. We are taking care of the silent generation an boomers now you can't keep everything an expect us to take care of you while we suffer from gaining life fulfilling achievements.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
4 y
OK so as a baby boomer I was raised to make my own path and plan my own life independent of my parents. My Parents told me they would take care of themselves and I should just worry about me and my life. As they aged I still found non-monetary ways to help them out. As a traveling consultant I earned 750,000 FF miles, was able to pass those benefits onto them and they got a free 3-4 week trip to Europe via Business Class Airfare and had enough they could take a friend along. I had benefits while working for EDS that my Father could buy a new Cadillac deeply discounted.......he took advantage of that several years and even made money on it at times via leasing and residual values. So you will run into non-monetary ways you can help your Parents without spending money or lots of money. So I would not worry about it, if I were you. That and I think most of the article was bunk. But even if it was true, you will still have opportunities to help your Parents without needing money to do so. Take advantage of them as they come. You'll note a lot of employee benefits are expanding to include Parent care which was something I did not have as a Baby Boomer. My choice was unpaid leave under FMLA or whatever paid vacation I had available. When my Father passed on I could only afford a measly week paid off to visit and help out my Mother. You will have paid leave and a longer time period.
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
4 y
I'm not effected by my own comments I made sound decisions from the moment i graduated high school. Some good some bad but I was merely stating how most within my generation feel. It's about the collectivism to them. Not individual blame. An you are right as the world changes we may gain more benefits as time goes on but it helps all generations not just mine.
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CWO3 Us Marine
Wait till the freeloading enterprises start paying tax for a change. Greed has caused this, and the pendulum must swing for us to remain solvent. Greedy citizens need to reflect on what they have vs. what they need. A semi-level playing field will rebuild us. It's all uphill for many currently.
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SrA Ronald Moore
Thanks for the Information !
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