Posted on Oct 21, 2020
The Air Force Plans to Retrain Weapons System Officers to Be B-21 Bomber Pilots
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 2
That's not necessarily the case anymore. I have a Godson that graduated from ROTC last year and competed for a rated slot...was physically able and met all the prequalifying standards but there weren't any slots to give them so they offered him a Navigator/WSO. He would love to fly as a pilot but WSO aren't necessarily WSO's because they can't qualify for Pilot Training. Timing is everything
Outside my orbit, but I think the DOD/CJCS have been busy bees. Lots of things going on to address global threats. We should all be proud of all the folks working behind the scenes to keep us safe. We will be fine, and in Mr. T's words in Rocky flick, "I pity the fool" that tests us.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
CWO3 (Join to see) I interacted a bit with DARPA in my days at HQUSCENTCOM, some amazing things!
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