Posted on Oct 7, 2020
Homeland Security report finds White supremacy ‘the most consistent and lethal threat’
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
1SG (Join to see) Glad to See FOX has Finally Reported what Every Other News Service has Already Covered. Better Late than Never I Guess.
SPC Erich Guenther
Antifa is new and created in like the last few years. White Supremacy movements have been with us since before the Civil War. If you read the report and quote, thats what they mean by most consistent (longest standing) and lethal threat (has killed the most and threatens to kill the most). Antifa has not killed a lot of people yet where White Supramicist groups have a record that spans over a century. Antifa is mentioned in the amount of injuries it has caused direct to DHS staff and it's threat potential to morph into more direct acts of terrorism that would claim American lives. If you read the report you can see that is the angle the quote comes from. The report mentions antifa as a threat and also states it has the potential to become a very lethal movement as far as American Lives are concerned. It also mentions Iran and Hezzbollah and several other groups.
We are attacking the white supremists and allowing all the others to over grow. This is what happens when you give antibiotics to kill a bacteria and then the yeast over grow causing just as many issues.
SPC Erich Guenther
The report even kind of points out that can happen........for those here that read it. Look at MSG Cristifaro's thead here. Chock full of politically ignorant people that never read the report and see the report only as ammo in the election of POTUS vs it's intent as a DHS report of threats to the country. Very sad that an honest report by DHS to the country is warped in such a way. I think it is a good report.
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