Posted on Oct 3, 2020
How Wildfires Are Contaminating The Water Supply With Benzene, Other Hazardous Chemicals
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SrA Ronald Moore I Pray to God. My Children, My Grandchildren Live in the Pacific Northwest. My Grandfather started His "Second" Family in Santa Barbara, CA. Poisoning My Family is a Horrible Option.
SrA Ronald Moore
What are they doing to bring a change to the poisoning of the Benezene, Stop, Stop all the Present fire retardants used And additives,and come up with non- poisonous fire fighting retardants, this is not much but Talk to the Public leaders in that area, or you just have to take them to court, make the come up with something better, there are too many lives involved to do nothing,, but for now ,Are there certain kinds of trees that will not burn so readily, if so Invest and get others to invest in replanting , or Arbor Day, and find out if the Kreb Cycle is damaged. That cycle is how trees gives off things in the air, nitrogen, and others parts of it and refreshes the AirPO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Can they recycle all the water and remove all known chemicals, from all the Waterways in that entire area?
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