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Responses: 13
SGT Robert Pryor
I definitely remember him singing. The first time I heard him sing I was caught totally off guard.
SGT Robert Pryor
SGT Robert Pryor
4 y
PFC Pamala (Hall) Foster - I feel as you do. I identify with about every word of that song. The words are so similar to my citation for the Distinguished Service Cross. The most powerful words for me are, "And the world will be better for this, That one man scorned and covered with scars, still strove with his last ounce of courage. To fight the unbeatable foe." The only thing is I am not "all" covered in scars. I never received any serious wounds to my face of my left arm. But the rest of my body is indeed covered in scars. Part of my DSC citation reads, "When reinforcements arrived, they found that Specialist Pryor had stood his ground, even after his two comrades had been killed and he himself had been seriously wounded." Yep, I definitely identify with that song, as do many Viet Nam veterans -- who were "Willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause."
PFC Pamala (Hall) Foster
PFC Pamala (Hall) Foster
4 y
SGT Robert Pryor - I have one scar and the doctors are going to work on repairing it so I can see single vision again. I am beginning to create a Not For Profit to help those abused and those fleeing abuse.
SGT Robert Pryor
SGT Robert Pryor
4 y
PFC Pamala (Hall) Foster - You're a good person. Good luck with the surgery. I too have double vision. Mine was caused by my getting shot in the head a few times. I had the surgery, which helped, though it didn't solve the problem. As a whole, my life has been good so far.
PFC Pamala (Hall) Foster
PFC Pamala (Hall) Foster
4 y
SGT Robert Pryor - My double vision is from at least 3 severe Concussions and a needle full of Penicillin being injected into a facial nerve. Prism lenses since 2009 and they said my surgery has to wait until the muscle in my eye 'blows'/inverts to my nose and I lose 62 pounds. The later is being done now as I type, but the first is scaring me. Just glad former SSGs of mine-Leis, Gregory, Ghee, Perrine and Cacho from 3/43 ADA SAVED my life by taking care of me and NOT letting me get conned into violating orders from a Colonel- because of a few idiots wanted me to get nailed for destroying Govt. Property (aka-ME!). Wishing I could thank them because I am alive, founded a Not For Profit to help battered women, children and runaways when we get fully operational and I remembered how they each saved my life and now I can help others.
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SSG Jeff Furgerson
I actually seen here when I was stationed in Hawaii in the early 80's, he was going up Waikiki Blvd, me and another Marine yelled hey Jim Nabors and he waved back, seemed like a nice guy
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SSG Franklin Briant
Remember the show. Not too bad for the day.
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