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Responses: 4
CW5 Jack Cardwell
Journalist in name only.
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SSG(P) Casualty Operations Ncoic
Americans think that there is one homogenous, unified group of people called "Kurds." Believing that would be like thinking that ALL Americans are the same, think the same, vote the same, etc.

The Kurds we have been helping in Iraq are NOT the Kurds we are not defending in Syria. The Syrian Kurds are Marxists. We have no moral or political reason to assist these Kurds. The Iraqi Kurds are the ones who, for the entirety of our Iraq adventure, only wanted to be left alone to form their own state in Northern Iraq. They helped us during the early days of the invasion. We helped and help them when and where we can.

So turn off your glowing wall panels (aka TVs) and do some of your own research and more importantly, your own thinking.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
4 y
Absolutely. History and reality are always more complex than first glance...and so many of us only glance at everything today. 2 seconds for this...2 seconds for that.
AB In - Flight Refueling
AB (Join to see)
4 y
But, what shall we do with our beloved memes... ? Plus, most born after '90 can't read.... :-)
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LTC Stephen F.
Thank you my friend Col Joseph Lenertz for posting. The Turks are the villains here since they and to an extent Iran are adamantly opposed to a Kurdish nation.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
4 y
I agree. I am saddened by Turkey's return to Islamism and rejection of Ataturk's principles. They have been among the greatest threats to the Kurds, and now they are no longer an ally of the US, I fear.
SSG(P) Casualty Operations Ncoic
SSG(P) (Join to see)
4 y
Col Joseph Lenertz - While standing in some line or other in either Iraq or A'Stan, I met a USMC Captain who was assigned to the Iraq/Turkey border. We got to talking, and he told me that Turkish troops would often come over the border looking to F*ck-up some Kurds. He said they would routinely light-up these Turkish units. Apparently either the shame of having your ass handed to you, or the political awkwardness of getting caught invading another nation ensured Turkey never brought this up in any significant way.
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