Posted on Sep 18, 2020
Trump, Biden offer detailed breakdown of their military and veterans plans
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
I saw what happened to the Army during the Carter and Clinton years, and how the VA was treated in the Obama administration. I'll stick with Trump, thank you.
1SG Steven Imerman
Public service unions do little except insure we get crappy service from government offices, allow bad apple cops stay on the force forever, and keep worthless teachers in the classrooms for 30 years. And they funnel lots of money to the Dems, which explains why their existence is not just tolerated, but fiercely protected.
A good point:
"Our military is one tool in our toolbox. We have become over-dependent on the military to advance our security interests overseas and underinvested in other tools including diplomacy, economic power, education, and science and technology.”
"Our military is one tool in our toolbox. We have become over-dependent on the military to advance our security interests overseas and underinvested in other tools including diplomacy, economic power, education, and science and technology.”
One consistent message: increased funding for defense industry to develop weapons. Meanwhile just got a letter saying retirees will now pay a monthly enrollment fee for TRICARE Select. Am so glad both care so much about us and our families sacrifices to country.
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