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Responses: 6
SSG Robert Perrotto
Edited 4 y ago
Are we back to this again?? Can you folks give it a rest already - yes - other countries try to influence our elections, old news. We try to influence other countries politics, same shit since forever. I swear to all that is holy, it's like some of you have been asleep your entire lives, What do you think Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Afghanistan, Iraq, Cuba was all about? The United States interfering with their countries politics. And you all act surprised, shocked, outraged, and fear mongering that it is done to us. Welcome to global politics. The number 1 influencer of voters regarding BLM is the riots, not russia, not Trump, Not Biden - but the actions of some of these protesters. We do not need Russian Operatives to see the raw footage of people posting on youtube, or to see how the footage is edited to support a narrative either way.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
4 y
I don't get it Yes, there has been efforts on all sides in the past. But, as a citizen of this nation, one should be outraged at any attempt to influence our election system and denigrate our institutions.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
4 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - You cannot cry foul when someone does to you what you have repeatedly done to others. Pick up our knockers, and realize this is Global politics, and has gone on since kings married their children for political gains. C'mon MSG, we are not children blind to how the world works.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
4 y
SSG Robert Perrotto - I look at it differently than you. One of my major problems in my Army career was hearing "we always did it that way." Just because it was "always done that way" does not justify it nor mean we should ignore it.
What is happening now is much more wide-spread and insidious.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
4 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - so what would you do - go to war for it?? For petes sake, not like any of the players are going to stop playing. We are going to continue to exert our influence, they are going to continue to exert theirs, and the world will go on. This is Politics, on every level, its ugly, its disturbing, and its devious. We can work ourselves into a frenzy, we can shout to the skies, and the shit will continue to happen.
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CSM Chuck Stafford
Every country can use our free speech laws to lawfully persuade Americans of who to vote for. It's inexpensive and once you get a missive to go viral, Americans will fight each other vice the sender...
CSM Chuck Stafford
CSM Chuck Stafford
4 y
And yet, a solution would be to bring back critical thinking skills in today's modern American education system -- we know that's not going to happen
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
4 y
CSM Chuck Stafford - I completely agree with you.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
4 y
CSM Chuck Stafford - I would say: bring back critical thinking skills in ALL modern Americans!
SGT Gregory Cole
SGT Gregory Cole
4 y
CSM Chuck Stafford critical thinking?!?!?!? What are you a commie?

Usually i say it about common sense, but everyone got a D/O from CIF for that.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited 4 y ago
Bring us the best Vodka we drink to Comrade Trump! Someone help me cloak an abrasive SSG. lol
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