Posted on Sep 11, 2020
The Trump campaign played a song about rich kids dodging the Vietnam War draft — which the...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 16
A lot of people got deferments from the draft, wealthy and otherwise, the ones that I don't want to live around are the ones that hid in Canada.
LTC John Griscom
My brother, after four years of ROTC, was unable to get his commission because of a bone disease. The local draft board hounded him until some military officials stepped in and told them to stop.
GySgt Thomas Vick
We all had a duty to our Country, makes no difference who you are, where your from, or how rich, or poor you are and for those that decided to hide in another Country just don't cut it with me.
MSG Louis Alexander
Right or wrong, our nation sounded the call. Many who were raised to respect our country answered the call and many more indoctrinated and programmed by liberal college professors…whom themselves… were indoctrinated and programmed by those before them… resisted that call. It’s not a question of patriotic heroism or cowardice, but a question of inspiration and belief. If one is inspired through faith and upbringing to aspire into a responsible individual, they will support our country when called upon. Other’s who evaded the draft refused to identify and act upon their responsibilities to our country, family, and friends out of selfishness and fear. Heroism is knowing and acting upon one’s fears in doing the right thing. Cowardice, well, each of us have our own definition of both the word and actions of those who fled.
I think that the song was actually well targeted at Trump's audience because that's how they see themselves. The fact that it doesn't fit Trump himself ... well for some reason his supporters still see him as "one of them" despite all evidence to the contrary.
MSG Louis Alexander
Ummm. And just what evidence is that Specialist Ford? I'm curious to know how you determined that. Wouldn't be because you're uninformed or failed to properly research ammunition critical against "OUR" President and "Commander-in-Chief" is it? I'll wait and check back with you Troop for you to enlighten me.
I find it a bit fishy that there is this concerted effort upon the media and Democrats to drive a wedge between Trump and the Military, almost as if this strategy was war gamed just in the nick of time leading to the election. Kind of like the whole Brett Kavanough sexual assault allegation being leaked 8 weeks prior to the mid term election, with the intent to sabatage him and prevent a SCOTUS appointment until after the results of the mid term election. What is being fed to you, is completely out of balance with what Trump has done for the Military, both active and veterans. Yes, he absolutely has some scorn for the uniformed suits (General officers), sometimes to his detriment, but to the rank and file, he has given us our largest per year raises in forever, has not started any police actions or conflicts (minus the ones he inherited from previous administrations), is trying to get our service members out of the Middle East, has tried to get us out of Syria (honestly, why are we there? not like Assad is going to get ousted- oh right, a proxy war with Russia that the Democrats are forcing), Has made significant positive changes in the VA system, but hey, an unverified report in the Atlantic, in which the editor said could be WRONG, where multiple members of his administration, some of whom are no friends of Trump deny it. Yet here we are. being fed a narrative by the media/democratic machine. and some of you suck it up like a baby at the nipple. I hope this election destroys the Democratic party forever, I will dance with glee as this idiot once again makes them and the biased media look like the idiots they truly are. Not one of you have a platform, from Biden on down, other then "I'm not Trump", and raises taxes to pay for more social programs. Ya'all can eat a dick, and if thats your thing, then eat a vagina.
SSG Robert Perrotto
1SG (Join to see) - Yes they are recommended by a formula, but approved by Congress, in which POTUS has a say. C'mon man, you are not dealing with a political infant. Just to apply the KISS method for you, Military pay raises are included in the budget submitted to Congress by POTUS, they then cut slice and dissect and add or take away according to their ideology.
SGT Edward Wilcox
SSG Robert Perrotto - Who, exactly, do you think originates the budget? The President can suggest a budget, but Congress is free to accept or ignore, in whole or in part. Congress determines the budget, the President just says yea or nay.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SPC Jeff Daley, PhD - Dude, you are speaking to the wrong person here, I am not the one criticizing Trump and his relationship with the Military, reading comprehension mate.
MSG Louis Alexander
Sergeant Perrotto, one must be erudite to fully understand the myopic maneuvering of political figures of both the Democratic and Republican Parties. President Trump for all purposes represents all Americans regardless of skin color, religious affiliation, or national origin. He has been a working president since day one and continues to lead by example. Since his inauguration forces to be such as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Jerrold Nadler, and the entire Democratic Party has been receiving their marching orders from their savior, and financial benefactor George Soros, who uses his vast wealth and influence, has been meddling in the internal affairs of foreign countries and is using the same tactics to destabilize the United States and Collapse its economy, where he is fully supported by the fake news media. All this according to him because he can. Soros while attending a European ANTIFA conference in September 2014, proclaimed to the world press his primary objective in life is to “Bring down the Unites States by “Funding Black Hate Groups.! He further stated, “We Will put them in a Mental Trap making them Blame the White People.” Well, look around today…we are witnessing ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter groups forcing cities and even states to surrender their sovereignty. And why? To pressure President Trump into resigning as president, holding this nation hostage until America elects Democrats and meets their demands. Soros has been directing Pelosi, his mouth-piece of the Democratic Party, supported by Barack Obama to continually encourage these “Domestic Terrorists” to continue their attacks, even threaten civil war if President Trump is reelected. Remember, Soros plans to collapse the American economy, bring this country one step closer to a one-party political rule, and align us with the New World Order managed by the Global elite. Eye-opening isn’t it? I could go on and on but will spare you further conspiracies.
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