Posted on Sep 7, 2020
Trump launches unprecedented attack on military leadership he appointed
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
SSG Robert Mark Odom Loyalty from Trump? A Man has Declared Bakruptcy 6 Times. Everybody He deals with He Screws Eventurally.
SPC Terence Q Burns
SSG Robert Perrotto
Fact check. Do you know why he doesn't want to show his taxes? We already know why. Plus look at his real birth certificate from Germany! He's as fake as they come and he's giving you his butt to kiss because he doesn't care about you, me or anyone who has served this great nation. Go figure!
Fact check. Do you know why he doesn't want to show his taxes? We already know why. Plus look at his real birth certificate from Germany! He's as fake as they come and he's giving you his butt to kiss because he doesn't care about you, me or anyone who has served this great nation. Go figure!
SSG Robert Perrotto
SPC Terence Q Burns - First, I can bet my home, if we scrutinized any of these politicians tax returns, we would find discrepancies. There is a reason many of these career politicians become millionaires while "serving". Second, a politician that actually cares about their constituency beyond their vote is comical. That ship sailed long ago. Third, He has done more for the average American then the last last 4 Presidents prior to Covid - which I must remind you, it was his opposition that was against him restricting movements from China and other countries hard hit by Covid, or do I need to post what Pelosi, Schumer, and the media said and wrote? Job growth, especially among minorities, reached never seen before highs, our GNP grew twice what was predicted, wages were increasing, and economic confidence was increasing among Americans. Is he perfect, absolutely not. I question a lot of his foreign policies, But when it comes to economic prosperity, he was right about the interest rates of the Fed, He was right about evening the trade imbalance of Nafta, and the trade agreement with China. He was right about NATO, and Europes contributions to it, while a main NATO partner was building a energy pipeline with Russia, that would supply 70% of it's energy needs. Why would a country do so if Russia was such a dire threat? Many of us question why is he going to pull Troops out of Syria? The simple answer is, we cannot win it. The only way to remove Assad is to put infantry on the ground and remove him, what do you think Russia's response would be? And ask yourself, is Syria worth a direct confrontation with Russia? Then there is Turkey's involvement, a full NATO partner, who has had Kurdish terrorists for decades along that border. Do we sanction Turkey? How hard? Would any sanctions upon them cause them to drop from NATO? It is easy for you to spout CNN and MSNBC's talking points, a lot harder to actually do the work and see if they are spinning you some bullshit.
SPC Terence Q Burns
SSG Robert Perrotto
First off if you really believes that he's done more than the past 4 president's, you're really blind. Fact check! Before he stole the Presidency with help, our VA healthcare was 100%. Today our healthcare under him is at its lowest point ever in any Presidential history at 25%. Then look at all of the Veteran's War Retirement home's with Veteran's kicked out on the street because he said that they don't deserve their own care. This you don't even care to comprehend.
Then take note of reality. Due to what's really coming, you're name isn't anywhere listed on any DD-214 Alumni service orders. So, we all know that you're listed on the #VeteransFotTrump listing. How can anyone service connected be for a 5 Time Draft Dodger and Coward man? The only thing that you pointed out is what he wants you all to know and it's all lies. When his own people and friend's are in charge of his TV ratings, they're biased just like you. Ask the service member's with bounties on their heads what they think of Trump? You won't like the answers that we've received at all!
First off if you really believes that he's done more than the past 4 president's, you're really blind. Fact check! Before he stole the Presidency with help, our VA healthcare was 100%. Today our healthcare under him is at its lowest point ever in any Presidential history at 25%. Then look at all of the Veteran's War Retirement home's with Veteran's kicked out on the street because he said that they don't deserve their own care. This you don't even care to comprehend.
Then take note of reality. Due to what's really coming, you're name isn't anywhere listed on any DD-214 Alumni service orders. So, we all know that you're listed on the #VeteransFotTrump listing. How can anyone service connected be for a 5 Time Draft Dodger and Coward man? The only thing that you pointed out is what he wants you all to know and it's all lies. When his own people and friend's are in charge of his TV ratings, they're biased just like you. Ask the service member's with bounties on their heads what they think of Trump? You won't like the answers that we've received at all!
SSG Robert Perrotto
ok - I am going to dismiss your argument for the idiocy it is, you obviously believe that bullshit about russian collusion, even though there is not one bit of proof presented from what is turning out to be an illegal investigation brought about by a false dossier funded by Hiliary Clintons team. You admonish me about facts when you believe the greatest hoax by the liberal party this side of convincing white people they bear the guilt of all the worlds ill's. Have a great day, and thank you for your service.
Is this the remark CNN says is an “attack”? > "I'm not saying the military's in love with me -- the soldiers are, the top people in the Pentagon probably aren't because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy," Trump told reporters at a White House news conference.
I don’t see it as an “extraordinary” attack; President Trump’s been voicing similar content for years. CNN low energy network that’s grabbing at straws for news.
I don’t see it as an “extraordinary” attack; President Trump’s been voicing similar content for years. CNN low energy network that’s grabbing at straws for news.
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