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Responses: 4
CPT Jack Durish
I love the spirit of inclusiveness...
"This group is for Liberal and Democrat veterans and family members of veterans. All others need not apply. Please answer all membership questions and read the rules before joining, or you will not be approved."
I am a member of a Facebook group for Vietnam Veterans. It excludes all others. Actually, I find that reasonable. Others aren't excluded because of race, gender, or ideology. Indeed, this group includes all kinds of people. It's only limited to those of us who experienced a war abroad and a war at home when we returned.
This "Liberal Veteran" group begins with a lie. There's nothing "liberal" about it. It is the antithesis of liberty.
Cpl Roger Cortez
Cpl Roger Cortez
4 y
Liberal being the "antithesis of Liberty?" Would you agree that conservatism is more likely to be the antithesis of liberalism?" Retired career veterans are extremely conservative because they detest the change of a regimented life-style they became accustomed to while serving. This attitude carries over into civilian life wherein the "status quo" must be preserved socially and politically. Point in case: Many of the service organizations like VFW, DAV, American G.I. Forum, Marine Corps League, American Legion appear to be going by the wayside because of the conservative approach. Young veterans with a liberal mindset are not buying that. Therefore, membership is down. Ol' fart conservative veterans display their militaristic attitudes in the political system as well. Case in Point: Their support for the likes of tRump when he natters violence, racism, grandeurs of a dictatorship, phony military matters, lies, incompetence, draft dodger(wow), and of course his overall disdain for our Marines, Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen.

That is why there should be a Liberal Veteran Organization....to overcome the conservative "status quo" and bring some real change to the veteran community.
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CSM Darieus ZaGara
So whatever this is says someone must be liberal. The definition of liberal means understanding of all, this doesn’t sound like that.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SGT Edward Wilcox Sounds Like One of Three I host on Facebook.
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