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Responses: 9
LT Brad McInnis
Only brain dead idiots believe this... oh wait, seems to be a bunch here on RP.
Cpl Charles Babin
Cpl Charles Babin
>1 y
these accusers are anonymous ! where are the facts??????
LT Brad McInnis
LT Brad McInnis
>1 y
Cpl Charles Babin - There are none, only sad "reporters" who couldn't write a real story if their life depended upon it. Also, the owner of the magazine is Steve Jobs' widow, who has given $1.2 M to Joe Biden and democrats (600k each according to reports).
PO2 Tom Jackson
PO2 Tom Jackson
>1 y
SSG Dr Pedro Deliz - Over 25 people came forward to say it was a lie. The Atlantic is owned by Steve Jobs' widow, who has a stake in getting tariffs removed from goods made in China.

As for "downplaying the virus", he said "it will go away", and eventually it will - after a vaccine or enough people get it and become immune. Was he supposed to scare everyone and tell them they were going to die, such that they started settling old scores and doing whatever they wanted, believing they were "dead men walking", anyway? Was he supposed to panic the public even more than they already were, with buying out toilet paper and Lysol? Yeah, ok.

It was a DOCTOR and SCIENTIST that was on his staff that said the virus was vulnerable to heat, sunlight, and humidity. Those factors gave HOPE that it would be wiped out by the Summer heat. The real problem was the riots and protests - the virus cases were on their way down before that. When the virus is inside people and being spread person-to-person, the ability for heat, sunlight, and humidity ends up being moot. They couldn't know in April that in May people would be rioting and looting like crazy, you know.
Capt Cyber Warfare Operations Officers
Capt (Join to see)
6 mo
LOL We literally have Trump on video saying he has no respect for POWs because he only likes "people who don't get captured." You are clearly in denial, no wonder Trump thinks you are a sucker and a loser #LOL
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SSG Aircraft Mechanic
I can’t believe an article from The Atlantic is spreading like this. They’re on the same level of far left as Vox, BuzzFeed, Slate, Vice, and HuffPo. It’s complete BS. He didn’t say it. The fact that military oriented outlets is spreading the fallacy really disturbs me.
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
>1 y
SSG Dr Pedro Deliz
Nor did I make a diagnosis so I rendered no opinion as to his condition so how can you say I have "absolutely NO IDEA what I am talking about"? Quite frankly, this conversation isn't worthy of the time it takes to carry on a positive dialog. Good luck and God Bless.
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
>1 y
SSG Dr Pedro Deliz If conceit was electricity, you would be a human powerhouse! Enough of my time waisted on someone with a short circuit. Go pedal your elixirs somewhere else and don't waist anymore of my time reading your garbage!
PO2 Tom Jackson
PO2 Tom Jackson
>1 y
SSG Dr Pedro Deliz - That daughter was an anti-Trumper looking for any way to discredit Trump after the doctor that wrote the diagnosis had died and couldn't refute her. That should tell you it was a lie - otherwise, why wait?

Trump went on CNN and took off his shoe - he pointed at his foot. The interviewer gave him "the benefit of a doubt" ( https://www.cnn.com/2017/10/23/opinions/trump-vietnam-deferment-opinion-dantonio/index.html ) - you should, too. You aren't a doctor, and you didn't see his foot. You should also recognize that the military didn't have to accept the doctor's note or diagnosis, but could have examined him, himself. They didn't. That's the military's fault, not Trump's. And at least Trump showed up - note in hand.

I wonder if you cared about Slick Willy ACTUALLY dodging the draft by moving to Oxford, England?
Capt Cyber Warfare Operations Officers
Capt (Join to see)
6 mo
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D - LOL We literally have Trump on video saying he has no respect for POWs because he only likes "people who don't get captured." You are clearly in denial, no wonder Trump thinks you are a sucker and a loser #LOL
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Sgt Print Journalist
Edited >1 y ago
Typical false anti-Trump narrative (lies) which has been constant since before his election.
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
PO2 Tom Jackson - The Enemies of President Trump (DemocRats, Leftists, foreign agents ) will never stop trying to disparage or eliminate him for they are driven by Hell itself. They loathe that he’s moved the Amer embassy to Jerusalem, (they hate the Jews), and that he’s highly disrupted the lucrative business of human trafficking in the United States; they are insane with hate that Trump is a ProLife President, wanting to shut down RoevWade (abortion another highly lucrative flesh business) and they also hate that Trump is extracting America and her assets from being pillaged by Globalists and foreign interests. The Enemies of Trump finally despise that he mentions God, one nation under God. SSG Dr Pedro Deliz . That’s why all the anonymous false accusations or outright lies that are later proven untrue.

I thank God in Heaven that He decides all matters and who is put in rule (Daniel 2:21, 4:17, Dan 4:35, Rev 3:7-8) and no humans will be able to stop Him.
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
All your statements are untrue SSG Dr Pedro Deliz The Bible was not a photo op. The President is a Christian and does revere the Bible as much as I do. I am also outspoken and have spoken out against people which does not negate my walk with Christ. Alternately, the hate and divisiveness you mention was shown by word and deed in this nation to be clearly in the camp of the Left. If you can’t see this, you won’t see the reason for all the important things coming next.
PO2 Tom Jackson
PO2 Tom Jackson
>1 y
SSG Dr Pedro Deliz - Obama divided this nation when he supported BLM even after one of their supporters killed 6 cops in Dallas: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/12/obama-defends-black-lives-matter-protests-police-m/

The whole Michael Brown thing and "Hands up, don't shoot" was A LIE: https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2015/03/16/lesson-learned-from-the-shooting-of-michael-brown/

But he didn't correct the record. Instead, he threw his support behind an organization that had pledged to kill cops: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pigs-in-a-blanket-chant-at-minnesota-fair-riles-police/

And if you support them, you are supporting a terrorist organization that has even said they are "trained Marxists": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdpIIiBe7Wc

Note that the Democrats actually support them by sending donors to BLM through ActBlue. Democrat fundraising was drying up - they used George Floyd's death to fundraise off of. They took advantage of a man that resisted arrest in order to claim it was racism and raise funds off of it. The BLM organization took advantage of the situation to loot and riot, and more cops were almost killed - a Molotov cocktail was thrown into a police cruiser with 2 officers inside, and 2 officers in a police cruiser were shot in Compton, Los Angeles, while others that were recording it laughed and posted it to Twitter, like they were proud.

Trump didn't cause any of that. That was Obama and BLM. The media LIED about his Charlottesville comments - watch them for yourself, and to a CNN Political Commentator finally setting the record straight, afterwards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=587Nw4sOA44

Jason Kessler, in charge of the "Unite the Right" organization, is an OBAMA supporter: https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/inside-jason-kesslers-hate-fueled-rise/2018/08/11/335eaf42-999e-11e8-b60b-1c897f17e185_story.html

Richard Spencer, the Neo-Nazi leader at the rally, is a SOCIALIST: https://dailycaller.com/2018/08/02/dsouza-richard-spencer-socialism/
And a BIDEN supporter: https:/http://www.newsweek.com/richard-spencer-reiterates-support-biden-disavows-useless-traitorous-gop-1527555

So you want to talk about who is dividing who? Look no further than your OWN party. Physician, heal thyself.
PO2 Tom Jackson
PO2 Tom Jackson
>1 y
SSG Dr Pedro Deliz - It wasn't tear gas - you're showing your lack of research and how easily you're swayed by the liberal media again. It was pepper spray, rubber stinger balls , and smoke grenades: https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/investigations/sting-ball-grenades-were-used-in-lafayette-square-monday/65-126bad2b-7aa3-4fe7-aae6-890fbe0383ed

The media assumed these are "tear gas", because pepper spray is an irritant that can cause tears. Except "tear gas" is an actual chemical that is NOT pepper spray. It comes in its own canisters. If you suffered tear gas in the gas chamber in boot camp, you'd know that it is completely different than pepper spray. And if they were so peaceful, they wouldn't have defied the order to move out of the park THREE TIMES.

Awfully funny how you say you don't support either party, but the only talking points you come with are attacks on Trump and the liberal media's talking points. If you were really non-partisan, try watching Fox, Newsmax, OANN, the Daily Wire broadcasts by Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klaven, and Michael Knowles; and the Dan Bongino Show. You might start seeing different points of view and corrections of the mainstream liberal media that apparently you never bothered to research the counter-argument for.
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