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Responses: 3
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel I am genuinely without words. There does not seem to be proactive leadership on either side of this tragedy trying to minimize this scary tragedy.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
4 y
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - Don't overlook the Antifa and BLM thugs! . . .
PO2 Harold Ashton
PO2 Harold Ashton
4 y
Maj Wilson wants us to assure us that there are "good people on both sides." Er, bad people.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
4 y
PO2 Harold Ashton - Exactly. As I've Stated before the Only Ones having a Problem with Someone being against Fascism are Fascist and Anyone that can't bring themselves to Say Black Lives Matter are Racist. Not that they have any Problem Further convincing Me wiith their Words and Actions.
PO2 Harold Ashton
PO2 Harold Ashton
4 y
5 Stars for that observation. Saying "Black Lives Matter" would gag a fascist, but they have no problem rolling "white supremacy" off their tongues and supporting the Proud Boys. A pox on them all.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
It's a nice set up.
- African American died in police custody. Reaction: BLM is formed.
- What is the reaction to BLM? Trump categorizes them as terrorists and there is no common ground.
- BLM becomes more violent. What is the reaction? Federal police are sent in.
- What is the reaction of federal police? Escalation occurs.
- What is the reaction to escalation? Trump plays the card that he is the savior against civil unrest.

Trump knows what he is doing.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Edited 4 y ago
Quote: “Like other US cities, Portland, Oregon saw a wave of peaceful protests”? You have to be kidding me! "Their presence here is actually leading to more violence and more vandalism," Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said.

This article was written in July 2020, the Federal presence pulled back, the state police moved in, and then the state police moved out because of the lack of support from the elected officials: mayor, Governor, and DA. The state police had their hands tied in how they could perform their duties, while the DA’s office keeps releasing these Marxists and Communists faster that the police can arrest them. The result: The City burns night after night, people who can afford to move are leaving, the middle class and poor are truly the ones who suffer. You always get what you vote for.

Chip, Why do you post stuff that is so pro Marxist?
PO2 Harold Ashton
PO2 Harold Ashton
4 y
Be very afraid. Marxists and Communists, oh my. All this time I thought they were citizens exercising their rights. Thank you for frightening me. I believe the city is now in ashes, right?
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
4 y
PO2 Harold Ashton - You give me too much credit. :) I only listen to what they say: Antifa has publicly stated time and time again that they want to burn down our government. Black Lives Matter is right behind them taking a little softer stance, but not much: Their leadership brags about their Marxist training and beliefs, they want to destroy all police departments, and take over policing themselves, how did that work out on Portland? The same Black Lives Matter that is running television ads for fund raising. That should make you afraid, unless you are not afraid of mob rule.

No, my friend, I do not try to frighten people, I only speak honestly of what I see. I believe you are a patriot, but I also believe you probably only get you news from ABC, NBC, CBS, and PBS. I believe its time to broaden our horizons. MHO
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