Posted on Sep 3, 2020
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ — The Atlantic
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
SSG Brian G.
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint - I'm not so much worried about the cowards that would not put their names to it, as most times on hit pieces like this? There never were any actual sources. What worries me are the cowards that don't so much as fact check a story that is iffy in the first place and run it up the flag pole like it is fact... and all because of their rather obvious partisanship. They are little better than the Russians. And people like that are who Russians target. Makes them the useful idiots.
Sgt Jerry Genesio
SSG Brian G. - You're refuting the Atlantic story with hit pieces by right wing, conservative sources: The Political Insider and FOX News. Jeff Goldberg said he stands by his story, General Brian McCaffrey said he believes it, Maj General Paul Eaton said he believes it, Lt General Mark Hertling said he believes it, and I'm certain I could Google a very long list of both military and civilian authorities who also believe it. The story is totally in character for Trump. So I'm left believing the news sources I trust, and there are a lot of them. Jeff Goldberg didn't retract anything. The author of the article tries to make it sound like he did, but he didn't. Jeff Goldberg stands by his report, and those who aren't apologists for Trump believe him.
SSG Brian G.
Sgt Jerry Genesio - Wrong. Refuting it with a story based on what the EDITOR of the Atlantic and 21 actual named witnesses who were there report. Goldberg has already been shown to have lied about the weather not allowing the flight and that is fact.
SSG Brian G.
Sgt Jerry Genesio - Countering lies is not a waste of my time. I can do this all day... if you have some facts to add that back up Goldbergs story, great.
Sgt Jerry Genesio
SSG Brian G. - This exchange has more to do with blind loyalty than lies. Trump has been fact-checked on statements by the Washington Post and credited with more than 20,000 lies since his inauguration. Some of us won't vote for a liar. Others simply deny even what is proven to be true. I'm leaving it there, Brian. When you can prove Jeff Goldberg lied, let me know.
SSG Brian G.
Sgt Jerry Genesio - No. There is no blind loyalty. A reporter made a report which was backed with no facts. He used "anonymous" sources and passed this off as an actual and factual story. Then bit by bit it unraveled on him, first with John Bolton and now with others that were there, NAMED sources saying no that did not happen. There is no loyalty, blind or otherwise there.... simple facts poking bit massive holes in an already weak story. YOU perhaps are the blind one that fails to accept that.
It does not matter one iota to this story whether Trump has been fact checked or by whom. NO Fact checker has said he said what is claimed. Likewise the amount of lies he has supposedly told are irrelevant to this story. You keep throwing in red herrings that do not matter to this story. This is not about the election or who anyone will or will not vote for.
Goldberg is already PROVEN to have lied. He lied about the weather and and the Helicopters. And his own boss at the Atlantic has said there is enough doubt and lack of evidence to cast aspersions as to the credibility of the story. Goldberg has no credible witnesses... NONE. Meanwhile facts and 21 named credible witnesses, some of which are not on Trumps side say no, that is not what happened.
Come back when you have something credible that shows Goldberg is not just another Hillary Clinton landing under fire when there was none, not just another Brian Williams. Not just another Jayson Blair.
It does not matter one iota to this story whether Trump has been fact checked or by whom. NO Fact checker has said he said what is claimed. Likewise the amount of lies he has supposedly told are irrelevant to this story. You keep throwing in red herrings that do not matter to this story. This is not about the election or who anyone will or will not vote for.
Goldberg is already PROVEN to have lied. He lied about the weather and and the Helicopters. And his own boss at the Atlantic has said there is enough doubt and lack of evidence to cast aspersions as to the credibility of the story. Goldberg has no credible witnesses... NONE. Meanwhile facts and 21 named credible witnesses, some of which are not on Trumps side say no, that is not what happened.
Come back when you have something credible that shows Goldberg is not just another Hillary Clinton landing under fire when there was none, not just another Brian Williams. Not just another Jayson Blair.
The problem with this story is that there is nobody to back it up or prove it with facts so another liber propaganda hit piece
LCpl Brad Gross
If it was a legitimate story they would have wrote back when it happened Sgt (Join to see)
LCpl Brad Gross
Wow a new hot tube I was just hope some left leaning liberal governor in
Y state will let me make a living to support my family your hypocrisy is driving me crazy
Y state will let me make a living to support my family your hypocrisy is driving me crazy
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