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Responses: 3
Capt Gregory Prickett
He's a paratrooper from the 17th Airborne Division, who, along with the British 6th Airborne Division, made the jump across the Rhine. Some of the Americans jumped from C-46s, which had paratrooper doors on both sides, allowing the paratroopers to exit faster. They did not, however, have self-sealing fuel tanks, which may have contributed to heavy losses.

I'm glad to see him help get rid of Trump.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Trump can't do what we expect army privates to do, live by the army values. Respect. Selfless Service. Honor. Integrity. Personal Courage.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
4 y
If you can't see Trump's faults then you are blind. What is so vague about not being able to live by army values? Does conduct himself with Respect. Selfless Service. Honor. Integrity. Personal Courage?

I read about how he clobbered ISIS. That is hilarious. When he took us out of Syria some 1000 ISIS members were freed. ISIS is going global.

His military pay raises have been 2.1% 2.4% 2.6% 3.1%. Certainly larger but nothing to set your hair on fire over. Tell me how he rebuilt the military?

Now lets look at his body of work.
- He did not fulfill the his promise to reduce the budget to zero by year 4.
- He broke funding laws by withholding and eliminating funds for Ukraine. Thus he faced an impeachment trial.
- He built 200 miles of his border wall. Some of it is falling down. The latest court ruling is he illegally used DoD funds for the wall.
- He started a trade war with China and never finished it. We are subsidizing the agriculture industry. Farm bankruptcies went up.
- He illegally used veterans' charity funds for his personal use.
- He tried to drum up business for his resorts with other governments.
- Trump and his administration totally effed up preparing, mitigating, and sustaining the fight against the pandemic. We have perhaps 4% of the world population and 22% of the cases.
- In 2018 Trump started the trade war, his company was also working with the Chinese government to build up Indonesia the same year. A country that is committing genocide in West Papua New Guinea.
- The economy is a wreck with record numbers of unemployed.
- He is complaining about mail in ballots despite the fact it was OK in 2016.
- He is a compulsive liar.
- He is a toxic leader. Nobody wants to work for a toxic leader.
- He has corrupted the administration by hiring "yes" people.
- There is civil unrest in the nation.
- He is so caustic that he bashes a dead veteran.
- He brags about giving up his salary while it appears his resort has made $100 million from his visits. He also makes millions on MAGA hats.
- He fancies himself as a military genius after JROTC and 5 exemptions.
- He is trying to influence the election process.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
4 y
MAJ Ken Landgren - Bobby drank the kool-aid a long time ago.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
4 y
There is only one thing that I agree upon is the minuscule military pay raises. Everything else you are absolutely wrong about. In regards to the pandemic he lied about the threat for weeks. He declared national emergency on March 13. Prior to that the only measure taken was shutting down air travelers but still allowed Americans into the country. Of course we ran out of PPEs because we did not order them in a timely manner. Your per capita deaths is misleading. The US is #9 out of 150 countries listed. If Trump overplayed the pandemic then why do we have 4.3% of the world's population and 21% of the cases and deaths? 22 states are now reporting an increase in cases and Trump downplays the pandemic even now. Despite the increases, Trump stupidly eschews wearing masks. That makes absolutely no sense. Do you give the pandemic response an A like Trump gives himself? Tell the relatives of 200,000 dead people that Trump did a good job.
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SMSgt David A Asbury
That’s just one of the reasons to vote Trump.
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