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Responses: 9
SGT Steve McFarland
They burn - we shoot.
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PO1 H Gene Lawrence
Take the guns from the citizenry and they are easier to subdue.
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
4 y
1LT Peter Duston - of course you may call me Gene, that is my preference. Your last two sentences are extremely interesting to me. Have a blessed evening, Brother.
1LT Peter Duston
1LT Peter Duston
4 y
Me! Role playing MAJ Pavlov of Soviet Army in my "Threat" class at Benning!
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
4 y
1LT Peter Duston - "As a senior weapons instructor, citizens with M-16's, AR's, etc. scare the hell out of me."
That is an emotion, care to support it with realistic, facts? Proven reliable data?
Like is available from the DOJ that proved the "assault weapons ban" of years past had no down turn effect on crime.
Can you say why / how your more educated in constitutional law then the Supreme court justices that decided Heller? Why should we take your personal feeling of woe more seriously than proven fact and the opinion of the highest court in the land?
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
4 y
SGM Erik Marquez - and I would add to that, just where in the constitution does it say that senior weapons instructors, that have fear emotions of citizens having weapons that are protected by the 2 Amendment should not be able to possess a semi automatic weapon that looks like the automatic version, especially when semi autos have been available for many years, with no one complaining about them? It all boils down to looks. Well they do have the option of holding more rounds than before.
In light of the way our government is becoming so controlling, the intent for the citizens to be able to defend against enemies foreign and Domestic may be an unfortunate experience awaiting us in the wings.
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PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
You can't take our guns an the police at the same time! Pick one or the other
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