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Responses: 13
COL Deputy G2
SSG Robert Mark Odem. Lol! You see what you want to see. The article still asserted that the base document that was used to initiate the movement of the Intelligence community to spy on a US citizen (illegally) was discredited and therefor all findings forbidden fruit. Still, eager for help- use of evidence out in the open is not illegal. Also, it doesn’t exonerate eaither party from the facts of their action. Hilary is just a bad character. She tried to cheat her way into the White House and got slapped in the face. But fact of collusion- none exist. Still.
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SFC Ralph E Kelley
Edited 4 y ago
SSG Robert Mark Odom
Its that MEDIA Algorithm again - If you lean slightly left of center or slightly right of center in politics - then after a couple of months you get "extreme" articles and commentary slants in your indicated direction.
There is a corrective Algorithm Set that can be applied but then that would not polarize people and generate paying customers. (I know there's lit' bit of conspiracy theory there but there's also sarcasm).
Good to be back.
SFC Ralph E Kelley
SFC Ralph E Kelley
4 y
SPC Michael Head - I have Nord's LynxVPD but I don't think that's is what VPNs are designed to do...They're guard you from tracking by other people but the algorithms are part of the originating website's programming.
They weren't intended to 'polarize' people, just present you with the things you like and agree while not presenting you with things you don't like or agree. After a while it all piles up into a stinky mess.
The counter-algorithms present a more middle of the road view of your likes/agrees by marking the 'center' after a period of time then presenting you with a specific window in your initial comfort zone.
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CPT Jack Durish
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
4 y
Don't bother the TDS crown with the actual conclusions of the reports. They are only interested in the headlined from the leftists in the media. Final analysis, no collusion.
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