Posted on Jul 23, 2020
Minneapolis Police Experience Surge of Departures in Aftermath of George Floyd Protests
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
One thing not widely reported is that according to Minnesota State Law, a police officer claiming PTSD is presumed to have incurred it in the line of duty, so these officers aren't quitting, they are getting disability claims in.
Last number I heard in the Minneapolis Star Tribune was over 250 claims.
There are only a little under 900 officers on the force.
Last number I heard in the Minneapolis Star Tribune was over 250 claims.
There are only a little under 900 officers on the force.
I've had good experiences with police officers... and bad experiences. No one's going to convince me everyone wearing a badge is some sort of saint... just like no one's going to convince me they're all power-tripping racists. The truth, as I see it, is that it's a hard job made more difficult by the risks, the liabilities, and the opposition. There's no way in the world I'd sign up for it today... it seems an exercise in futility. In my opinion ('cause that's all it really is)... our society is falling apart at the seams; mostly because too many people, for too long, have been picking away at the foundation for their own private reasons. Wanna try and understand it better? Brush up on the history of ancient Rome... and pray history doesn't repeat itself.
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