Posted on Jul 22, 2020
The Left is signing up citizens to physically remove President Trump from office if he loses
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
If the democrats don’t win this election win all their anti media bull we have not seen any rioting what we’ve seen is little league if the democrats lose this election I mean all the false narrative but be careful what you guys wish for cause the power grab on the left is crazy and they will eat their own and young even if the left wins they’ll eat each other
SPC Erich Guenther
Well this is just like the Reagan second term run when they tried to paint Reagan as insane and inept and harped on an on about the 1982 Recession and how Reagan was heading us all to Nuclear War with the Soviet Union. After that election loss the Democrats thought about it for a while and decided their candidate (VP Mondale) was not liberal enough so they went further left the third time with the Son of Greek Immigrants - Micheal Dukakis........after that loss in the third cycle the Democrats decided it was time for reforms and they were really far too left thats how Bill Clinton won. So I anticipate it will again take three election cycles and VP Pence will probably win in 2024.
LCpl Brad Gross
Well I hope they keep eating their young but things are a lot different than 1982 SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
LCpl Brad Gross - Yes less calm and more violent but generally the underlying stupidity and trend is the same on the Left side of the political equation. Think of it though.....three Presidential election cycles they had to go through in the 1980's before they figured out they were too far left and had to reform. For me a lot of this is deja vu and a cycle of liberalism the world has gone through before.
I don't think it is real. Especially with the Secret Service and Marine Details at the White House that would make short work of anyone that should not be there attempting to do something stupid.
I can not decide which is more ludicrous, the original post or the insane responses by the Trump supporters here.
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