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Responses: 3
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Capt Gregory Prickett I'll Go With Definitely Immoral.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
4 y
Yeah, but watch the people who are Christians, especially the fundamentalist, evangelical kind. Most of them won't even comment or address the issue, and the ones that do will go through all sorts of gyrations to try and justify the Biblical support of slavery.

The whole issue creates cognitive dissonance for them. They know that slavery is immoral, but they also believe that the Bible is infallible and that their god is moral. It's not and he/she/it isn't, if god even exists.
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SrA Ronald Moore
Those who are not God’s Children will not understand -1 Corinthians 2:14. But the natural man recieveth not the things of the Spirit Of God: for the things of the Spirit are foolishness unto him: neither he know them, because they are spiritually discerned .
MAJ James Fitzgerald
MAJ James Fitzgerald
4 y
In some views, it has been refuted. In many of those situations, the findings do not have merit, as the material is either taken out of context or specifics left out of the narrative. I am not out to change your mind, I just want to share things are not always as they seem, al bough most will take it literally as truth, with no critical thinking or questioning.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
4 y
MAJ James Fitzgerald - OK, I'll bite. Please provide evidence that: 1) one needs assistance from a supernatural entity to understand the Bible; and 2) that such a supernatural entity even exists.

Without both of those, the assertion is refuted.
MAJ James Fitzgerald
MAJ James Fitzgerald
4 y
Capt Gregory Prickett

Ok, I’ll bite, too... can you ‘prove’ that the supernatural entities do not exist? One of the things I learned a long time ago, and you have embraced as a lawyer...the answer you want, depends on the question you ask. The Bible is no different...it wasn’t meant to answer all of the questions we would like answered in the 21 Century. If you don’t believe, that’s your choice and I embrace that as your choice, as it is mine to believe. I do not get emotional or angry, because I can only control what I think and believe.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
4 y
MAJ James Fitzgerald - that's reversing the burden of proof and is a fallacy. I have not claimed that there are no supernatural entities. I simply reject your claim that there are, because you have presented no evidence to support their existence.
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SrA Ronald Moore
All of the family of mankind was in slavery at one time or another even Israel was in slavery to the Egyptians
SrA Ronald Moore
SrA Ronald Moore
4 y
Oh that’s how it’s done, you seek to apprehend words, and Distort them, it does not work, CauseAlso I said the closet learned is the Rheim Douglas Bible, all down thru History Folk have tried this and So many versions, but In True believers are the Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit Which you can not distort to change, I stick with my helper , The Holy Spirit And My teacher , Jesus.Capt Gregory Prickett
SrA Ronald Moore
SrA Ronald Moore
4 y
The only law enforcement in Gods’ Kingdom is the Holy Trinity And no one else, and on earth Sure we must obey the laws of the land , but not distorted Doctrine, 1 john4: 1 tells us to test the spirit and See if the Spirit is Of God, Is your Spirit is Of God,unless God tells me differently, you are not,Case close, MAJ James Fitzgerald
SrA Ronald Moore
SrA Ronald Moore
4 y
Speaking to Captain Prickett here Sir(Major Fitzgerald)SrA Ronald Moore
SrA Ronald Moore
SrA Ronald Moore
4 y
Getting into politics here, signing off, Work time)Capt Gregory Prickett
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