Posted on Jun 29, 2020
Trump retweets video of white St Louis couple pointing guns at protesters
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Sad!! appears she is pointing her pistol at he companions head , however.
I'll take people that do not take the right to gun ownership seriously and are unsafe for $1,000. Is her GD finger on the trigger, because it looks like it is.
Edit, oh yeah she is pointing it into the crowd too.
Edit, oh yeah she is pointing it into the crowd too.
I was born and raised in St. Louis and I'm not sure where the "fearful white people" comes in to play. Let's get the facts straight here. This took place in a private gated community that the protesters broke in to. Therefore they are trespassing. No the wife shouldn't have had her finger on the trigger. However, these people were defending their home and their neighborhood. We have all seen all over the country how innocent homes, and businesses have been vandalized and or burned to the ground and innocent people have been killed. This is no longer about George Floyd and hasn't been since about 48 hours after it happened. I applaud these people for defending their home and their neighborhood, and I am surprised that some here are not doing the same thing. St. Louis is not full of "afraid white people", it is full of hard working american's of all races that want to just do their own thing and be left alone. If I lived in a gated neighborhood and you broke in and started protesting down a street that has absolutely nothing to do with anything, I'm going to let you know that I will defend what is mine as well. Seriously folks, what kind of conversation would we be having if these folks didn't show defense of their property and home were burned down and people were killed and lives ruined. Then what, would it have been St. Louis County police's fault for not getting there fast enough? Let's put the blame where it belongs, on the trespassers that broke in to a neighborhood that chances are were not even from the St. Louis area in the first place. Everyone from St. Louis remembers when they arrested protesters at Plaza Frontenac during the whole Michael Brown deal and almost all of them had out of state ID's. Let's wake up to what this is all really about and stop blaming white people in to some kind of white guilt. Yes, there are racist people out there. White on Black, Black on White, Black on Black, Black on Brown and so on and so on. I applaud these people for standing their ground. If anyone is "triggered" or "offended" by my truthful statements then that is on you. Everything that I have said here is fact and we need to start waking up to it.
J.R. Smith
No to mention that Missouri is also an open carry state. Therefore they could sit out on their front porch with any legally owned gun they want. This shows that they are taking gun ownership seriously and willing to use their second amendment right to defend what is theirs if necessary.
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