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Responses: 4
SGT Program Coordinator
I was the FDC for 81mm mortars in the 82nd ABN 2/508th Inf. 1972
The elements for "Fire for Effect" are three things, FO, FDC and the Mortar Crew, in that order.
SGT Robert Pryor
SGT Robert Pryor
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) - Great picture and I envy all of your adventures. In my case it was a SSG that came to me, hat in hand metaphorically, and asked me to get us out because I kept laughing and telling them they were lost -- adding insult to injury. I led our group to the pick-up point, and even to my surprise, we were the first team there. If I'd have known that, I'd have made them sweat longer or led them through more swamps. From that day on, no one mentioned my having been artillery accept in positive terms. It takes all jobs to make an Army function. I still have never made fun of other's jobs. I even brag on some, like the chopper crews and medical folks that saved my sorry behind. I will disrespect individuals who failed others, and I damn sure hate wannabes, but that's it.
SGT Program Coordinator
SGT (Join to see)
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SGT Robert Pryor - Always the high road in respecting others, even our cooks were respected, they also went on line at the fence if needed.
But we called them their nick name, "SPOONS". Lol
SGT Robert Pryor
SGT Robert Pryor
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) - We called them spoons too. When I was in 3RD SF Gp I shared an eight person room with, among others, two cooks. We even socialized together in Fayettenam.
SGT Program Coordinator
SGT (Join to see)
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SGT Robert Pryor - Our SPOONS, if you were in line to get your food dished out, and you said something bad about the food, one of are SPOONS would hit you with the Spoon. Lol
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LTC Owner
Thanks LT Brad McInnis that was funny
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CPL Douglas Chrysler
That's how it works.
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