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Responses: 16
SFC Michael Hasbun
For perspective..

o 44 years of Service in the Marines
o nominated by President Trump to serve as Secretary of Defense
o Commanded almost all major Combatant Commands at one point or another
o combat in the Persian Gulf, Iraq and Afghanistan
o Bachelors in History
o Master of Arts in international security affairs
o personal library that include over 7,000 volumes
o Annenberg Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution
o Davies Family Distinguished Visiting Fellow
o Center for National Policy's Edmund S. Muskie Distinguished Public Service Award
o Atlantic Council's Distinguished Military Leadership Award
o World Affairs Council of Greater Hampton Roads "Ryan C. Crocker Global Citizen of the Year" Award
o Marine Corps University Foundation Semper Fidelis Award
o Washington College honorary doctor of laws degree
o Washington Policy Center Champion of Freedom Award recipient

This is one of this generations greatest, most accomplished military and political thinkers.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
5 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - He has supported Trump. He was his SECDEF. Yes, he left, I suspect over not caring for his foreign policy in the middle east and wanting to end our 20+ year wars/action in the middle east. The pentagon has been wrong before.

I hate what decades of identity politics, entitlement, political correctness and a host of other things have done to the country. Look at the riots in the streets. Looting, arson, murder, assault, businesses and lives destroyed. Legitimate protest over the hideous death of a man has brought us to the destruction we are now seeing. What is happening is unjustifiable and is on local mayors and governors to correct/police.

This is where the establishment political class has taken us. We cannot even agree that all lives matter and should be equal under the law. If you say that you are called a racist.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
5 y
MAJ Ken Landgren 19 years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, virtually no opposition to interventions in Libya and Syria, aggressively pursuing the expansion of NATO in spite of the fact the original threat was gone. Do you want me to go on? Maybe Trump's comments have some basis in reality.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
5 y
MAJ Ken Landgren - Also, remember Panetta's comments about Mattis during the Obama Administration, where he was allowed to Retire rather than be fired as CentCom. According to Leon Panetta, the Obama administration did not place much trust in Mattis because he was perceived as too eager for a military confrontation with Iran.[70] Panetta later said Mattis lacked "the maturity to look at all of the options that a president should look at in order to make the right decisions".
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Bullshit. He has the ability to use it. No order has been issued. All of your BS on Mueller, impeachment etc. is a fantasy you have constructed. There are no crimes, there are no charges, no indictments and no evidence all of the Russian Collusion BS was just that, BS.

You might want to watch some of the hearings with Rosenstein and company the varnish is off of the entire affair.
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SPC Kevin Ford
While you are in the cult, you are the best person ever. Once you leave the cult you are persona non grata. If you dare attack the cult after you leave, watch out.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
5 y
SGT Lou Meza
SGT Lou Meza
5 y
Deranged trump cultists will never believe anything against their cult leader . That is what makes them a cult .
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1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
Mad dog vs. Bunkerboy
SSG Robert Mark Odom
SSG Robert Mark Odom
5 y
My money's on Mad Dog!
SCPO Morris Ramsey
SCPO Morris Ramsey
5 y
Save your money. SSG Robert Mark Odom
SGT Lou Meza
SGT Lou Meza
5 y
And that is called integrity.MAJ Ken Landgren
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