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Responses: 11
LTC Stephen C.
Edited >1 y ago
Peter, Paul and Mary was my favorite folk group, without question, SGT (Join to see)! I bought all of their albums, played and sang many of their songs and saw them twice in concert!
I was always troubled by Yarrow’s criminal behavior, though.
“In 1970, Yarrow was convicted of, and served three months in prison for taking ‘improper liberties’ with a 14-year-old girl who went with her 17-year-old sister to Yarrow's hotel room seeking an autograph. ‘Yarrow answered the door naked and made sexual advances that stopped short of intercourse’. The 14-year-old resisted his advances but according to reports, did not call for help. Yarrow served three months of a one-to three-year prison sentence.
He has since apologized for the incident: ‘It was an era of real indiscretion and mistakes by categorically male performers. I was one of them. I got nailed. I was wrong. I'm sorry for it.’
In 1981, Jimmy Carter granted Yarrow a presidential pardon for the crime [undeserved in my opinion]. Nonetheless, it has occasionally become a campaign issue for politicians he supports. In 2004, Representative Martin Frost of Texas, a Democrat, canceled a fundraising appearance with the singer after his opponent ran a radio advertisement about Yarrow's offense; in 2013 Republican politicians in New York State called on Democratic congressional candidate Martha Robertson to cancel a scheduled fundraiser with Yarrow. In 2019 he was disinvited from a folk music festival when the organizers were informed of his conviction.”
Hard to believe that was the behavior of the person who wrote Puff, the Magic Dragon.

SGT Robert Pryor, here’s a back story on Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary. Poor behavior. As much as I always enjoy P,P&M, whenever I hear their music, this incident comes to mind.

PO2 (Join to see) SP5 Jim Curry Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen LTC Wayne Brandon SPC Douglas Bolton Maj Marty Hogan
LTC Wayne Brandon
LTC Wayne Brandon
>1 y
Good memory, Steve -
I'd long since forgotten about that incident and in '81 Carter was trying to raise political capital anywhere and anyway he could.
SGT Robert Pryor
SGT Robert Pryor
>1 y
PO2 (Join to see) - It definitely put a different light on the "Peter" part, anyway.
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
>1 y
Very good, SGT Robert Pryor. There’s that sense of humor peeking through!
SGT Robert Pryor
SGT Robert Pryor
>1 y
LTC Stephen C. - Somehow I think if life wasn't funny, I wouldn't love it so much. The only thing, when he answered the door, I sure wouldn't have been peeking through.
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SPC Douglas Bolton
One of their best.
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LTC Wayne Brandon
They had great music for about ten years and somewhere around 1968 or 1969 Peter Yarrow wrote one of his best songs and recorded it with John Simon, called "The Wabe" Here it is should you choose to listen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coyq8pySOWg
Trying to figure out the words drove me nuts until I finally found the lyrics only to discover they were Celtic and a bit of gibberish thrown in for good measure. Just an interesting bit of old Rock history.
Thanks for posting this and have a good evening, Dave!
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