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Responses: 3
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
1SG (Join to see) Outstanding!
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MAJ Ken Landgren
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Cpl Jeff N.
You just be so happy with the business being damaged, the police being attacked , the looting, the arson, the assault and battery in the street. Don't just post the story Mark. Post what you really want to say.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
1SG (Join to see) - These "protests" are not peaceful or productive. Almost no one has any issue with peaceful protest and people letting their position be known to the government. What we have now is violence in the streets, businesses being torched, property being stolen/looted, people being assaulted because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Almost every "peaceful" protest turns into a riot every single night.

The people being hurt the most are small businesses, employees of larger stores being looted and burned. The effects of no retail stores or small businesses in these neighborhoods will hurt the residents the most over the long term. No jobs, nowhere to shop, no one opening businesses etc. The destruction begets more hardship for the local residents. ANTIFA and BLM etc. will be gone on a week or two.

ANTIFA, BLM and other subversives are the problem. They don't want peaceful anything. They want the riots and the violence and there you are supporting them but acting as though you don't like the violence. You don't create the change you say you want with looting, burning, violence and destruction. The change you say you want is the first victim of this sort of action/bahavior.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
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Cpl Jeff N. Neo-nazis, far-right extremists groups, racists, and bad cops are the problem. There you go supporting the racists and far right extremists groups.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
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1SG (Join to see) - Nice try Mark. I don't support any of the above and never have. I don't support bad cops either. I don't trust anyone with too much authority, it is to easily abused.

You clearly support violence in the streets from the left. You are about to wet yourself with excitement. Stop with the deflection Mark. You seem to support mob violence and bricks through the window and incendiary device "justice". It seems to suit you just fine.

No one liked what they saw on the video of George Floyd's arrest and death. It was abhorrent. What we are watching now is far worse. We are watching the death of more Americans, the destruction of people's livelihood and the further destruction of inner cities that need economic development not destruction. There you are, like a cheerleader with your pompom's, cheering on the destruction which will take a generation to fix.

What has happened to these cities is far worse than anything the neo-Nazi's could have done to them.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
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Cpl Jeff N. Yeah you do jeff. Nice try on trying to deflect. There is not a reasonable person on RP or that knows me personally that thinks that. Except for you. There you are smiling on the inside while minorities die. I have already denounced the violence and looting, the violence against cops, and police brutality. Keep cheering when innocent minorities are killed because they look the part or were in the wrong place or some other such nonsense.
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