Posted on May 24, 2020
Anthony Fauci: 'Now Is The Time ... To Care Selflessly About One Another'
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 3
Solid messaging. Maybe we will come out of this better off than before. Thoughts?
PFC David Foster
I hope you are right, but I personally think that Fauci is past the point of no return from all the Conspiracies Theories going around about COVID19... IMO, he should step down and try getting a new younger better speaker to get the nation to come back to it's senses... I hope I am wrong.
Repubicans will hear that as "Now is the time to stick the rest of the Republicans with tracking devices". Lol.
So says the man who funded a lab that plays god with gain of function research.
This idiot could of killed us all.
This idiot could of killed us all.
NIH Documents Provide New Evidence U.S. Funded Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan
U.S.-funded experiment in China posed biosafety risks but did not cause Covid-19 pandemic, scientists say.
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