Posted on May 14, 2020
Heavily Armed Protesters Gather Again At Michigan Capitol To Decry Stay-At-Home Order
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 3
God be with them - our government is supposed to work for them not the other way.
I am of a divided mind on this. Frankly, I no longer know what to believe about COVID-19 itself. I'd like to think I'm sanguine enough to smell a rat...and yet practical enough not to be bitten by it. Regardless, I do believe some state governments have far exceeded the mandate here... and that their motivations extend well beyond "common sense" mitigation protocols. Therefore, it's hard not to empathize with citizens bearing enough "sand" to actively do something about it-and I won't mock their intentions. I seem to recall a similar incident occurred near some place called Lexington a little over two centuries ago.
On the other hand...
...the Patriots in our Revolution were confronting a very threat, a very different type of tyranny, and a very different cultural reality. The British were leveraging a heavy hand for poltiical and economic reasons-not public health and safety. The Colonists had expended all "legal" means of redress, they had organized practically, and prepared as best they could. They didn't go to the British... the British came after them, and they simply stood their ground.
Furthermore, what concerns me most are the doubts that many of these people have put on full kit and picked up arms with any serious belief they'll be compelled to use them. It seems more "political theater" than "theater of operations"... and that's dangerous for several reasons. First, if the intended reaction is to prove the Government will "stand down" to a show of force... it doesn't really address what would happen if they simply did not. Just like the "Bonus Army" of the 1920s... courage and small arms tend to wilt against tanks. Are these people organized with a central command structure, have they trained together in any capacity, is there any commonality in their standard operating procedures? If not- then my greatest fears are they are showing all their "face cards", and if (hypothetically) anyone's paying attention... "teaching" their opposition what to expect, and what not to expect.
On the other hand...
...the Patriots in our Revolution were confronting a very threat, a very different type of tyranny, and a very different cultural reality. The British were leveraging a heavy hand for poltiical and economic reasons-not public health and safety. The Colonists had expended all "legal" means of redress, they had organized practically, and prepared as best they could. They didn't go to the British... the British came after them, and they simply stood their ground.
Furthermore, what concerns me most are the doubts that many of these people have put on full kit and picked up arms with any serious belief they'll be compelled to use them. It seems more "political theater" than "theater of operations"... and that's dangerous for several reasons. First, if the intended reaction is to prove the Government will "stand down" to a show of force... it doesn't really address what would happen if they simply did not. Just like the "Bonus Army" of the 1920s... courage and small arms tend to wilt against tanks. Are these people organized with a central command structure, have they trained together in any capacity, is there any commonality in their standard operating procedures? If not- then my greatest fears are they are showing all their "face cards", and if (hypothetically) anyone's paying attention... "teaching" their opposition what to expect, and what not to expect.
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