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Responses: 103
CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
I view it no differently than if we were invaded by a foreign force and Soldiers received wounds defending home soil. I fully agree with the awarding of the medals!

Now if we could only get to the execution of the turd that caused this to happen!!!
SSG David Ursini
SSG David Ursini
>1 y
Absolutely.....execute the terrorist. It took far too long for the Army to court martial the guy......delayed by White House influence no doubt. We probably won't see his execution until Obama leaves office.....
SSgt Gregg Coldsnow
SSgt Gregg Coldsnow
>1 y
It still puzzles me that we trust our soldiers with weapons in the field, but not on military installations (unless they are in law enforcement). A person with a sidearm, trained in its use, could have possibly stopped this slimeball before he killed and wounded so many.
SPC Johnny Velazquez, PhD
SPC Johnny Velazquez, PhD
>1 y
It's been a long time coming. These brothers were ambushed in a terrorist fashion. So sad that O, did not call this attack as a terrorist one. Can't understand why he defends these terrorists so much. Call it what it is.
MSG Contracting Specialist
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
I will make two points on this topic;

1. On the issue of the purple heart , there shouldn't be any discussion whether they received it or not. I think its way over due and rightly so. Men and women in uniform as we all know makes the ultimately sacrifice and it appauling to me to see the beauracy that took place to finally give them this award and hopefully their benefits

2. I rarely comments on public for the following reasons, as some folks do not know how to respectful, be aware of surroundings and seems to forget their core values. So I say to SSG Ursini and SPC Valezquez you may have you opinions on a political matter, however you walk a very fine line and whatever you say about your the commander in chief is clearly disrespectful as he is still in the chain of command. I do not tolerate that from any of my soldiers, and do not all political discussios as work as that is not our mission. Again you can have those opinions but remember this is a social site where anyone else can see this, be smart about what you say, especially if you are still on active duty.

last, there are some senior leaders on this post, I do hope we address these comments especially if you are the author of the post or even just commenting.
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SFC Mark Merino
This is a long time coming. These troops were deliberately attacked by an armed enemy of the United States in the guise of being a fellow service member. Forget the politics, forget the geographical landcape, because this clown joined the enemies of this great nation and ambushed these poor people. Their award is justified and well deserved.
PO2 Vince Chmiel
PO2 Vince Chmiel
>1 y
Very well put!
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SGT 94 E Radio Comsec Repairer
The shootings were definitely a terrorist attack, and I'm glad that the victims are finally being recognized. In addition, the victims ought to receive medical benefits for the injuries they suffered in the line of duty.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
>1 y
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
You active duty please be careful we understand you because us older veterans have seen this before during the Carter debacle.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) There are so many fake profiles here and all one has to do is examine the nature of their posts to get it.
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