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Responses: 6
MAJ Ken Landgren
Here is the deal. Trump got rid of the Pandemic Team. He appointed the director of the NSA who has no experience. He appointed the director of DHS with no experience. Those two should be leading the pandemic planning and response. Trump puts value of appointing "yes people" with no regard to experience. That is stupid. More than stupid.
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
>1 y
TSgt Jack Oberholtzer of course EC will decide. Cuz he didn’t win the popular vote last time either...
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
MSG Palmer Utley - It was dismantled and swallowed into another organization and institutional knowledge was lost as workers were fired. They were not left in the NSC. They were essentially gutted. They went from being the first line of defense to lost in the bureaucracy. The became irrelevant.

Trump was not done effing up the ability of the nation to deal with national emergencies. He appointed directors of the NSC and DHS who had absolutely no experience. Two very high profile positions of leaders who are supposed to take the bull by the horns in a national emergency knew squat about their jobs as leaders of the integral organizations of the NSC and DHS.

I can continue to list how Trump fucked this country with his lame leadership, administration, actions in regards to the pandemic response. Orange man is bragging about the pandemic metrics. He is a sick and evil person.
Sgt Bruce C.
Sgt Bruce C.
>1 y
nicely put Maj Ken Landgren, thank you
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
MSG Palmer Utley - The original pandemic team was missioned to be a pandemic QRF, but that did not happen. To be candid, I don't think Trump would have listened to them if they were still in the NSA.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Capt Gregory Prickett The Only Duty Trump believes He Has is to Himself, If American Die, Oh Well.
1SG Tommy McGee
1SG Tommy McGee
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney No. I don’t agree with you, so you try to lump me into a group of people that you don’t like? I do refuse to buy into the socialist, communist, hate monger party though.
I’m assuming that you have a Jurisdoctorate since you automatically try to attack my education level.!
Have a good day.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
1SG Tommy McGee - I simply asked you where you studied law. You said that you did, but did not say where, so I ventured a guess. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings :(.

To be clear, when you use phrases like "100% undisputeable [sic] proof", it indicates you may not have a solid grasp of the nuances, and are being led by emotion rather than logic and reason.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - He has a bachelor's degree from ULM in Criminal Justice & Psychology, according to his profile.

1SG Tommy McGee - There is a vast difference in how Criminal Law and Constitutional Law are taught in a CJ program vs. a Law program. For one thing, most lawyers would never use the phrase 100% undisputable proof, because if the other side contests your facts, it is being disputed. Thus far, Clinton has disputed everything that the other side has asked.

Second, you should actually read the order in the Judicial Watch case if you are going to make assertions about it. Clinton has been ordered to be deposed about the reasons that she used a private server. Judicial Watch has been ordered that "Secretary Clinton and Ms. Mills cannot be questioned about the underlying actions taken after the Benghazi attack. . ." That's the complete opposite of what you asserted. The court order can be found at https://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/JW-v-State-Hillary-Deposition-Order-01242.pdf
Sgt Bruce C.
Sgt Bruce C.
>1 y
Trump is worried about some deaths, people who might vote for him
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MSG Stan Hutchison
Trump failed to lead, people died. Plain and simple.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
SrA John Monette - correct, but only for direct travel from China. You could get around it by flying from China to Japan, wait for two weeks, then purchasing a separate flight from Japan to the U.S. All they had to do is show that it had been more than two weeks since they had been in China. And if for some reason, their passport wasn't stamped in China, they didn't even have to wait.

American citizens didn't have to wait at all, nor were they isolated or quarantined on returning. The travel "ban" wasn't a ban, and the restrictions did nothing to slow the disease spread.
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - probably sped up the spread. where was ANY other president when we needed leadership????
Sgt Bruce C.
Sgt Bruce C.
>1 y
We need a leader, not a bad used car saleman
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
PFC Joe Fugo - And Barrack Obama. Don't forget FDR and "Give'em hell" Harry Truman.
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