Posted on Apr 26, 2020
The Breaking Point: Why Do Women Initiate Divorce More Than Men?
Edited 5 y ago
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 6
People do not do a good job of vetting their potential spouse and some that do vet believe they will be able to change the person along the way. It used to be fairly easy to find a woman/man that shared common values and wanted to raise a family and make a life etc. Society has convinced women that career is more important than marriage and family and has convinced some men that women want a man that is submissive or emasculated.
This is part of the reason we see lower and lower marriage rates, higher divorce rates and reduction in the number of children per family. Any man in a marriage that he is not the bread winner and the care taker is likely in a marriage that will not last. If your stats are correct, 90% of career oriented women in a marriage will end it. The reason, they do not respect a lazy man that is not a bread winner and care taker even though that is what society says they want/need.
This is part of the reason we see lower and lower marriage rates, higher divorce rates and reduction in the number of children per family. Any man in a marriage that he is not the bread winner and the care taker is likely in a marriage that will not last. If your stats are correct, 90% of career oriented women in a marriage will end it. The reason, they do not respect a lazy man that is not a bread winner and care taker even though that is what society says they want/need.
PO3 (Join to see)
Yes, The culture has inverted the natural law of work and is now staring at a 90% divorce rate of those they convinced to go into the workplace in-mass. Almost humorful how empowerment traveled through to the total destruction of the family.
Cpl Jeff N.
LTC John Shaw - Sounds like the two of you have good alignment on career goals, family goals and the like. That seems to be more of a challenge these days. I've been married 32 years now and while we did not have a specific plan we discussed/agreed up front (that seems unnatural anyway) we both felt more traditional roles were the best route for us to do and we stuck with it. That may not be fore everyone but it works for us as your approach works for you.
I have an issue with your "translation". A better translation would be: "Out of the couples who get divorced, 69% of the divorces are initiated by the woman. If the marriage includes a woman with a college education, and the couple gets divorced, the woman initiated the divorce 90% of the time."
100% of divorces are initiated by a human, but that doesn't mean that 100% of humans get divorced, does it?
100% of divorces are initiated by a human, but that doesn't mean that 100% of humans get divorced, does it?
SSG (Join to see)
PO3 (Join to see) Yup. Made it most of the way through the article. Even took a look at the original study.
I still think you're looking a subset, and pretending it's the whole.
I still think you're looking a subset, and pretending it's the whole.
PO3 (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) - I would say that the majority of people reading this understand what I'm saying as well as what the author of the article is saying.
There should be as a part of Initially Interacting with a potential mate of if she is the marriaging kind.Men suppose to erect, focused unchanging, and women suppose to be ready to know even though See is like a roller coaster, in her mood, emotions, feeling, and know this is how she want her man to ride that roller coaster, she might not get that all the time.
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