Posted on Apr 24, 2020
Outcry after Trump suggests injecting disinfectant
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 6
Peer-reviewed data to be published on this soon. Thank you to our partners at Cedars-Sinai.
That isn't what he was talking about genius. They were talking about lights (natural and UV) as well as disinfectants and how they might work. He even asked Dr. Birx about the process of injecting light into patients and she was unfamiliar with it. He was speaking extemporaneously about all of the topics they were discussing.
There is a process that is being used now injecting a UVA lighted tube into an intubated patient. Here is a short video on the development of this at Cedar's Sinai hospital. Do you feel like an idiot yet? Some of you hang on every word looking for any misspeak any goof up, error etc. THE TDS with some of you is like a Coronavirus of ignorance.
There is a process that is being used now injecting a UVA lighted tube into an intubated patient. Here is a short video on the development of this at Cedar's Sinai hospital. Do you feel like an idiot yet? Some of you hang on every word looking for any misspeak any goof up, error etc. THE TDS with some of you is like a Coronavirus of ignorance.
SGT Dick Johnson
Thank you. As usual, this was all taken out of context. He was talking and asking questions about the results of the investigations by the Director of the Science and Technology group at HHS. He specifically followed up with, "I'm not a doctor, I don't know. I just asking."
SFC Joseph Weber
I believe TDS is actually defending and making excuses for every stupid thing he says. Trump will be around for probably one maybe five more years but people like you are forever. Do you feel like an idiot? Nothing was taken out of context. Why is it impossible for you to question anything he does or says?
Cpl Jeff N.
SFC Joseph Weber - I do question some of the things he does and says. There isn't really much of a need for me to air them as there are people on the other side of the aisle that overreact to things he says and things they are told he said that he did not. He is an imperfect vessel but the results speak for themselves.
wish he would tweet less sometimes and not engage with a press pool hell bent on trapping him in a misspeak. A media that likes to ask loaded questions or assume the worst about him every day.
Trump is a germaphobe, he has been his entire life. He is one of those people that look for ways to avoid infection/contamination etc. He probably knows more about this than most think. He did not suggest anyone inject or ingest chemical disinfectants but it gives the media a chance to bash him again for something they think he said.
wish he would tweet less sometimes and not engage with a press pool hell bent on trapping him in a misspeak. A media that likes to ask loaded questions or assume the worst about him every day.
Trump is a germaphobe, he has been his entire life. He is one of those people that look for ways to avoid infection/contamination etc. He probably knows more about this than most think. He did not suggest anyone inject or ingest chemical disinfectants but it gives the media a chance to bash him again for something they think he said.
SFC Joseph Weber
Cpl Jeff N. - I have to admit i was expecting an attack. We could probably have a decent conversation and still enjoy the game or a beer or commenting on cars by the interstate.
Well at least he has a job after we throw him out, traveling roadshow quack doctor.
Maybe a plug of Lysol wipes in between your teeth and gums. Plus a clothes pin on the nose to prevent back door attacks.
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