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Responses: 2
MAJ Ken Landgren
I could not read the article. By design DHS is supposed to provide the Task Force Leadership for the nation in preparing, planning, and mitigating disasters. I don't think it is proper to take away from the DHS mission and pawn it off on the states. It just makes sense that some roles and responsibilities should be centralized. Funding is centralized. Providing a comprehensive plan should be centralized. Providing the latest medical protocols and procedures should be centralized. Providing military assistance is centralized. Some states lack funding, resources, and understanding and need assistance. If states are overwhelmed then the federal government should step in to find solutions. Decentralizing the federal mission could be Trump's way of saying look the states did not do enough.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
There have been and will be plenty of things to dissect with this. At the end of the day, if it gets the virus under control and gets America working again, I am for it. No matter whose idea it is.
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