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Responses: 4
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
This is a poor piece of journalism in my view and not worth the time to respond further MSgt Neil Greenfield!!!
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
I think it shows how openly facist the liberals have become in regards to individual rights and our Constitution. The right to protest is pretty fundamental in our society, when it is openly attacked like this, it is time to worry about future political agendas.
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Sgt (Join to see)
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SPC Erich Guenther - I agree with you on this Erich... In my view there is a shadow government or government like organization that is pushing this on all of us to rattle our cages so-to-speak...
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
Sgt (Join to see) - Could be but it is being pushed heavily by the left wing press, which should be a concern to those of us that respect the right to protest. I don't remember any Republican on here openly inciting violence against the code pink protests or the occupy wall street protests like this. Even though the code pink folks extend their protests well into official federal meetings of Congress to disrupt them......which is wrong.
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SPC Erich Guenther
It used to be that Liberals defended the civil rights of protestors and I remember those days of long ago. Now they openly demonize them and attempt to incite violence against them via verbal imagery and selective photos and other thug like behavior. It's so sad to watch. Apparently, there is only one point of view allowed for our society now all other points of view have to be censored or ignored. That attitude is precisely why you had protests in the Michigan State Capitol.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - Oh no, I don't embrace RP reader laziness, not my job to prove to you what I said. Your job to disprove what I said. So show me during past virus outbreaks were protestors were demonized in such a way or had violence incited via vivid imagery of the swastika and the confederate flag. If Martin Luther King were alive today he would disagree with some of the protest signs but he would be very, very careful in what he wrote publicly vs what we see on the Democratic Party side of the fence or even in the Article. It's a shameful embrace of violence based censorship by thugs vs. a calm discussion in the public arena.
SSG Hhc Operations
SSG (Join to see)
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In an educated discussion people use Facts. My question to you is how is it "no more of a public health risk"? What facutual data did you use to formulate your opinion? Your Martin Luther King, Nazi's, Confederate Flag and your other deflections really mean nothing to the question I'm posing. Which again based upon what facts does "no more of a public health risk" apply? Without going to deep, virus are spread by contact (vectors), travel capabilities, human population have never been this accessible. ( Progression) Therefore this virus poses a risk we as a human race have not faced.
"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education." I am sure you know who said that, since you seem to be able to speak on how he would respond to today's current situation.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
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SSG (Join to see) - Again not my job to prove it to you if you doubt me, it is your job to disprove. Played this game before among the lazy set of RP posters that do not really want to discusss but would rather troll. I spend lots of time proving my case and they just walk away having spent only 5-10% of the effort. So nice try to get me to do your work for you again but I am going to hold fast. Perform your role in the discussion if you disagree with a counterpoint but don't demand that I do your work for you. Also, I have had critical thinking courses in college, they will tell you the same. Burden of effort as a doubter is in your hands now.
SSG Hhc Operations
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Who hurt you? You have to let go of the past man. Whatever they did to hurt you I am sorry. Trolls? I asked you a question pertaining to your opinion. Ill hold your hand again. I think refunds are coming from Trump University for your critical thinking class. You did all that typing to prove a doubter that you are capable of critical thinking skills. I guess its my job to convince you the Earth is round and H20 is water.
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LTC Self Employed
We are so lucky compared to other countries. The country of Honduras probably has 10 respirators My cousin who is a dual citizen and has a home in Maryland is stuck in hundreds during this national emergency. He can only go outside one day a week to go to the banker to the grocery store depending on his last digit of his national ID card. The military is everywhere enforcing a quarantine. President trump should calm down and let the States do it their way like he said Friday..
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