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Responses: 7
PVT Mark Zehner
Thank you!
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LTC Stephen C.
Little Eva “continued performing until she was diagnosed with cervical cancer in October 2001. She died on April 10, 2003 in Kinston, North Carolina, at the age of 59, and is buried in a small cemetery in Belhaven, North Carolina. Her gravesite was sparsely marked until July 2008, when a report by WRAL-TV of Raleigh, North Carolina highlighted deteriorating conditions at the cemetery and efforts by the city of Belhaven to have it restored. A simple white cross had marked the site until a new gravestone was unveiled in November of that year. Her new grey gravestone has the image of a steam locomotive prominently engraved on the front and the epitaph reads: ‘Singing with the Angels’.”
SGT (Join to see) Capt Dwayne Conyers SPC Woody Bullard
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen

Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
>1 y
Excellent additional information. We had her in concert on campus 1966-67 time frame.
SPC Woody Bullard
SPC Woody Bullard
>1 y
Very nice tribute to Little Eva by the people in that town.
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
One of those songs that they wouldn't let be played at high school dances when it first came out.
SPC Woody Bullard
SPC Woody Bullard
>1 y
Great song to get on the floor and dance with your girlfriend.
Do you remember when the KINGSMEN'S "LOUIE LOUIE" was
banned by some radio stations because they thought the words
were obscene ? The FBI even opened up a investigation of the
"LOUIE LOUIE" record. I was amazed because President Kennedy
had just been assassinated two months earlier in November 1963.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
>1 y
SPC Woody Bullard Yes I sure do, the AM station in Hartford CT that I lstened to was one that did. If I recall we were able to pull it in late at night from a station in Buffalo NY. Connecticut had a hard time getting past it's Puritan heritage when rock and roll first came out.
SPC Woody Bullard
SPC Woody Bullard
>1 y
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - I was a teenager living in Daytona Beach
and all the kids at our high school were crazy about "LOUIE LOUIE" the first time we
heard the song. A couple of the local radio stations stopped playing the record but a
lot of us had bought the vinyl 45 RPM record. I still have mine and play it on the
turntable. Still sounds great.
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