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Responses: 14
MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited >1 y ago
The Acting Director of DHS has no experience, and he is supposed to lead the country in disaster preparedness and mitigation. How stupid is that? The director responsible to protect the US from terrorism, pandemics, chemical attacks, conventional attacks, man made disasters, and natural disasters has no experience. How stupid is that? Thus far he is AWOL. That is not surprising. Now Kushner has been appointed to help with the pandemic task force and he knows nothing about the process and speaks of his ignorance with arrogance. Just stupid again. Our ignorance goes all the way to the top. Stupid again. Our ignorance and arrogance has allowed the pandemic to significantly grow in this country.
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
That's the plan of this administration. Place acting people in charge who have questionable qualifications and are beholding to Trump. That way the embarrassment of Senate confirmation hearings never come up.
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MSgt Neil Greenfield
Apparently he never learned about the old adage of “criticize in private, praise in public”. Good riddance.
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
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>1 y
We teachers are very familiar with that concept. MSgt Neil Greenfield
SFC William Farrell
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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99.9% of the time I agree with the criticize in private philosophy, in this case I don’t know. We had the most senior leader (Crozier) on board demonstrate what not to do in a leadership position in a time of potential crisis, “setting an example for the entire crew”. It’s OK to go outside the Chain of Command, and use non-secure communications: if you “feel” strongly enough about something. In this case I believe a strong statement was needed to the entire crew so they know these actions aren’t good and will not be tolerated, especially for the younger crew members who are still learning military discipline. To every rule there is an exception… MHO
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