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Responses: 8
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
As I posted this morning, he ended his career to protect his crew.
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SGM Robert Murray - respectfully, any statement I make is based solely on publicly available information and an understanding of leadership principles. Since Modly relieved Crozier, I’ve stated that it was a bad move. In light of Modly’s subsequent behavior and recent resignation, I’m fairly confident that my initial assessment was correct. I suppose we agree to disagree.

*additionally, I’d recommend you familiarize yourself with Graham’s hierarchy. You might find that the majority of your comments would reside near the bottom of the pyramid. Just some food for thought.
** Also, while you write, “If you have issues with PTSD or really Dunning Krueger effect...”, please understand that you misspelled *Dunning–Kruger effect.

Best of luck
SGM Robert Murray
SGM Robert Murray
>1 y
You got voted up by me because this was an improvement over your previous posts. Off topic but still a much better response from previous ones. You've also validated my belief of continuous learning <which includes online or distance learning> is one of many effective tools for all soldiers when brick and mortar training facilities aren't available.

Back to the thread. Wrong assumption on your part to make any direct correlation between Crozier's retirement and Modly's resignation. Crozier erred. . .period. You refuse to acknowledge that as a point of fact. He should have never communicated ship's health status over an unclassified medium. Period. It was a mistake. You refuse to acknowledge it regardless of the captain's intent. He erred. How that relates to Modly's resignation is a stretch. Your aforementioned hypothesis as it relates to cause and effect is silly.

I admire Modly's going onboard a ship that has coronavirus cases. HE WENT ONBOARD to talk to the crew. Much respect to a former Naval aviator for stepping up. He fired their commander and went to them to tell them to their faces why he did what he did. That shows leadership. He didn't send an email. He didn't go on TV. He talked over the PA to the crew and answered questions. Shows how the captain's leadership example was passed onto the crew. Someone recorded it and leaked it to the media. Yep, he lead by example. . .again. I heard Modly's words. He was respectful, professional and said nothing derogatory about the TR crew. He simply said the captain decision to release information to the media was a dumb decision. . .that one action was an incredibly poor judgment call. To the A/SEC NAV, I commend him.

Back to your post. no need to remind me of Graham's hierarchy of right wing pundit behavior . . .straight out of their playbook and yours. Your understanding of leadership principles it appears comes from rhetoric, over generalizations, and a naive approach to true leadership. You sound like a victim of bad leadership in your past experiences. My apologies. It happens. I believe you may have projected somewhat where you perceive I stand in that heirarchy. Reflect on that. You went ad hominen on a couple of occasions in your threads both here and on other topics <yes, I track your trends>.

Lastly, forgive my lack of F7, but consider the crux of my suggestion, " IF <IF> you have issues with PTSD OR really Dunning Krueger <KRUGER> effect, say so. Otherwise, keep taking your meds and LISTEN TO WHAT EXPERTS KNOW." Your "cut & paste" threads give me the impression you're working on some sophomore level English class.

Have a great day; be safe.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
SGT Retired
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“ no need to remind me of Graham's hierarchy of right wing pundit behavior . . .straight out of their playbook and yours...”

Yikes. Anyway, familiarize yourself with the pyramid. You officially lost me when you stated you commend Modly for his actions. You’re in a small group, so enjoy it.

Good luck to you.
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SSgt Ray Stone
Can someone explain to me why he's fired for writing a letter begging for help. Hell 93 sailors on his ship have the virus
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
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SGM Robert Murray
SGM Robert Murray
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SGT (Join to see) SSgt Ray Stone
So, what? There is something called the chain of command. There is something called OPSEC. They have that in the Air Force, right? Writing a letter "begging" for help. How does that even sound from an O6.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
>1 y
SGM Robert Murray - as well there is the possibility his CoC failed him in not having a plan to deal with an infectious disease on a carrier. So Capt circumvented a failure by his chain of his command. I like to see the response from his CoC to have a better understanding of what transpired.
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SPC David S.
Well at least he will be able to sleep at night - he did the right thing in protecting his crew as well this is not about the current situation. He was working the problem he was going to be faced with in two to three weeks - a very sick crew with limited medical staff and equipment. Great job Navy sacking a Capt who cared about crew and mission.
SGM Robert Murray
SGM Robert Murray
>1 y
SPC David S. - . . .and I agree. First. . .did China need to know? No. They knew. Why? The captain told them. The captain told everyone. Who does the captain need to help him with his crew? His chain of command. Were they helping? Not to the satisfaction of the captain. His mistake in judgment. He paid the price. He'll never command again. Price you pay for a command decision gone wrong.
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SGM Robert Murray - China knew because the Navy told the world, as early as March 26. It wasn’t a secret. See link below:

“ His mistake in judgment. He paid the price. He'll never command again. Price you pay for a command decision gone wrong.“ See link below. Honestly, I can’t envision anyone handling the situation as poorly as he did.

**and I HIGHLY doubt you’ll see any videos of thousands of cheering people giving Modly a warm sendoff. Anywhere.
SGM Robert Murray
SGM Robert Murray
>1 y
He will never be my captain. He will always be a good person whose heart was in the right place. He will never be in my eyes a military leader. Maybe if they move him over to the chaplain's corps? Good place for him.
SGT Retired
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We all look forward to seeing your slow-clap video in honor of the former acting-Secretary.
Maybe if they move him out of the military CoC, entirely? Great place for him.
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