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Responses: 4
SGM Erik Marquez
"Top Republicans"
Here let me fix this,
"One idiot, that happens to be a republican"
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
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>1 y
MSG Francisco Ojeda - Bill De Blasio, Nancy Pelosi...
Are we really going to blame others for what is really all of our personal responsibility?
If you went to Mardi Gras in an epidemic, you are a moron.
If you went to spring break " ", you are also a moron.
The truth is, you are at a much higher risk in an urban area like San Francisco, New York, or New Orleans than you are in Podunk, Oklahoma. New York is particularly dangerous as everyone takes an elevator and mass transit, no one has a car, and everyone lives on top of one another. Yet De Blasio wanted you to go to a Broadway show and go to the St Patrick's Day Parade a scant couple of weeks ago.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
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MSG Francisco Ojeda - The point is that two weeks ago (more recently in Florida), most political leaders were more concerned about economic impact than they were about containing the virus. Some of those mistakes were pretty galling, like DeSantis leaving the beaches open or the New Orleans mayor going ahead with Mardi Gras. I understand their logic, and the fact that the President allowing governors and municipal leaders to set movement restrictions (while the White House issues "guidelines") is wholly for political cover. Cuomo takes the heat for NY, Newsome take the heat (at this stage, the credit) for CA, and so on.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
>1 y
MSG Francisco Ojeda - So instead of piling on to the mound of unproductive biased crap, how about offering perspective. This is not a Republican vs Democrat thing... You're not even accurate on your list of so called deniers. But it is noted that you like the OP post feel the unproductive need to point fingers specifically at Republicans. Aside from the apparent lack of information initially provided by the Chinese and their actions to cover it up, I find this finger pointing the most asinine aspect of the whole pandemic.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
>1 y
I'm not looking for someone to blame as you are by implying members of a political party are solely responsible for actions not recommended during a national crisis. Point is, the topic you chose to stay on and promote is pointless, not productive, and driven by bias.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Meanwhile in Congress:
People screw around with a law everyone knows is going to pass in order to get candy for their preferred causes, then bellyache that they were there too long and risked exposure to coronavirus among themselves.
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LTC Tom McNew
Edited >1 y ago
1SG (Join to see)
Top, your TDS is showing.....maybe you should hit the home gym for a little while and put down the keyboard.

PS: this article is 2 WEEKS old.....a LOT has happened in 2 weeks.....
LTC Tom McNew
LTC Tom McNew
>1 y
No, MSG Francisco Ojeda, the 1SG's posting of an article that is two weeks old in an unveiled attempt to paint the President in a bad light, screams HIS inability to give our CINC just one ounce of credit....
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
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>1 y
LCpl Bradley Gross with rand paul?
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
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LTC Tom McNew I dont have to use a 2 week old article to paint POTUS in a bad light. That ammo is readily available daily and usually given to me by POTUS himself. I give credit to POTUS when it is warranted. Using TDS as a pejorative is uncouth to say the least.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
Oh, and nice to meet you as well fellow servicemember.
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