Posted on Apr 1, 2020
Aircraft carrier captain pleads for help after more than 100 crew are infected with coronavirus
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 3
This is a National Security issue, since at least one, and possibly both carriers in the Pacific are out of commission. Not a good time, with China becoming more belligerent by the day, blaming us for Coronavirus and trying to treat the South China Sea as a Chinese inland lake.
OPSEC! HOW in the Bloody HELL did this get leaked?? If its the captain's fault he needs to be relived immediately, If its someone else fault Keel Haul their ass Drawn and quartering them is a bit too severe. 200 of a crew of 5000 That should NOT sideline a CARRIER. Put the infected ashore and have new crew flown out of Norfolk as soon as the detailers can assign them. Send a flock of C9's or C130's to Guam to pick them up after 2 weeks and bring them home. Keep the Ships at sea till this crap is over, or until a serum is found to protect us from this. Why is not the Chloraquim not being used more? Why the hell is the Horse Serum that has been around to protect livestock from Coronavirus not being looked at to see if it can be refined for human use? AND why the hell have we not dropped 3 MOAB's on that damn lab that developed this weapons grade virus in the first place? I would not put it past China wanting to wipe out a shit load of their own people, they cannot feed their own 100 million standing Army, much less the civilian population. I would not put it past China working with the DNC to loose it on the world and America to wreck the country and financial situation that Trump has built because they could not rid him through impeachment. Pelosi let the cat out of the bag when she said at one of her news conferences "If we could have gotten rid of Trump we would not have released the virus." The footage was scrubbed from the media real quick but not befpre it was recorded by a number of conservatives. It pops up from time to time and is spread around before its scrubbed again. The full truth wlll probably never be released. Like Kennedy's assignation.
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