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Responses: 14
LTC Kevin B.
I've seen no convincing evidence yet indicating that this is any kind of an orchestrated bio attack or the result of anyone's grand design to reduce overpopulation. I think it's just an unfortunate series of events resulting from nature doing what it does.
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CW5 Jack Cardwell
Thanks for sharing.
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FN Randy Bohlke
34 views, 1 like and 0 Comments. I think this is either A. To controversial for most people. B. To touchy of a subject right now or C. No offense to anyone but most people are afraid of being labeled and that by no means is an insult twords anyone I used to be that guy believe it or not.
1SG Steven Imerman
1SG Steven Imerman
>1 y
D. If you wear a tinfoil hat maybe the voices will stop, but you will have to wear it all the time, even in the shower. The CDC and another research virologist I saw in an article both said it appears genetically natural, unmanipulated. Also, as a short lived aerosol, it is a poor candidate for development as a bio-weapon and it is unlikely anybody would spend money to try. To quote someone I have respect for, "No offense to anyone but most people are afraid of being labeled and that by no means is an insult towards anyone..."

Have a great day.
FN Randy Bohlke
FN Randy Bohlke
>1 y
1SG Steven Imerman I just have to much time on my hands and I dig into stuff kinda like this other gem I've been holding onto for a while and I believe it is time to let it out the bag. Public Law 105-85 I have the hole 100 and some odd Page's on PDF if anyone wants it, there is a couple articles on line calling it fake and many backing it up. Basically it a law that was passed in 1997 if I remember right giving the government the right to test biological and chemical weapons on the citizens of this great Country. Now why would they need to creat such a law?
1SG Steven Imerman
1SG Steven Imerman
>1 y
A) I was ragging on you a little because you seem like the kinda guy that likes giving and taking that sort of shit, and
B) I would bet your article is a fake, to tell you the truth. While I fully believe Bill Clinton would sign it into law, you had solid Republican majorities in House and Senate, and they were led by arch-conservative Strom Thurmond in the Senate and equally conservative Newt Gingrich in the House. I do not see it being passed by either body. But I could be wrong.
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