Posted on Mar 27, 2020
Doctor: Coronavirus Death Rate is Likely Much Different Than We First Thought
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 3
And we ignore simple facts like: the virus started in Oct or Nov last year in Wuhan (as far as we know), nearly 600,000 Chinese visit America each year which means the virus has probably been among us a lot longer than reported. Also take in to fact that our initial numbers were based on a UK report that was recently changed from something like 500,000 deaths estimated to 50,000 deaths estimated. WTF?
The news only "reports" what is sensational and what the (hopefully) know.
The news only "reports" what is sensational and what the (hopefully) know.
It is not about "panic", it is about proper perspective...

Experts say Ben Shapiro, Trish Regan are "putting lives at risk" in downplaying coronavirus...
Conservative media figures are publicly dismissing the coronavirus —and that could have severe public health repercussions, experts say
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