Posted on Mar 11, 2020
Ex-GOP US Rep Schock says he's gay, regrets anti-gay stances
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 3
1SG (Join to see)
1SG (Join to see) - AHA... virtue signaling to rehabilitate his image after being caught doing something embarrassing. You know, like counts of fraud and such. This way he can get defenders for his bad behavior.
He must have Jussie Smollet's publicity firm.
He must have Jussie Smollet's publicity firm.
1SG (Join to see)
Capt Gregory Prickett - Well, he was forced to resign from office in disgrace due to federal fraud charges... so I'm thinking dude doesn't have a "political agenda" anymore.
1SG (Join to see)
Capt Gregory Prickett - If he was just a hypocrite, he would receive scorn and then life would go on and he could go chase strippers in Mexico to his heart's content. Fraud, though tends to derail your career and have more lasting damage to your resume, unless you beat the rap like this guy did.
Anybody besides me think he used his now out of the closet sexuality to garner sympathy and support? Perhaps excuse his bad behavior because "living the lie" makes him make out of character poor decisions? I can see his lawyer spinning it now in my mind's eye.
No disrespect Greg, but shit like this is why I hold both lawyers and politicians in suspicion at best, contempt at worst.
Anybody besides me think he used his now out of the closet sexuality to garner sympathy and support? Perhaps excuse his bad behavior because "living the lie" makes him make out of character poor decisions? I can see his lawyer spinning it now in my mind's eye.
No disrespect Greg, but shit like this is why I hold both lawyers and politicians in suspicion at best, contempt at worst.
Just wow! The biggest proponents against any kind of civil rights are the ones who're effected by that change the most.
I won't call out those who come to terms with themselves so far in life, that's like saying you stop learning after a certain age. But I will condemn the practice of being in the closet and purposely running against those who you wish to gain support from.
I won't call out those who come to terms with themselves so far in life, that's like saying you stop learning after a certain age. But I will condemn the practice of being in the closet and purposely running against those who you wish to gain support from.
Never understood why some feel as conservatives the government should be in the bedroom. It runs against the idealogy and all politics aside, once your elected you should be a Representative of all those in your district not just the ones that voted for you or are a member of your political party.
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