Posted on Feb 21, 2020
'Far-right extremist' behind Germany killings
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 4
There's a difference between a crime because you're, I don't know, a criminal and a crime committed due to political ideology and racism. I was stationed in Hanau for 3 years, and there were a lot of refugees from the Balkans as well as the local Turkish population that had been in the city for years. That was in the early 90s, and with the German entry fully into the EU, I suspect there are more. That said, who cares? Both acts are horrible; however, the act in one case is limited in scope and purpose. Anyone who says that Islam calls for raping women has been reading the wrong book. It's one on one crime, and since most sex crimes are motivated not by sex but by powerless losers acting out, it's not reasonable to regard it as a political act. Given the difficulty in getting firearms license in Germany, I suspect Tobias R. is an upright citizen...and a loser. Far right nutcases have always been just below the surface in Germany, and the nuts come out to play to try and prove something...that Hitler was right? Or that a birth-German can't get a break? That's funny, actually.
Is the BBC conflating racism, terrorism, and far-right extreme political views? I read the article and attempted to find actual evidence of his political views. I could only see xenophobia and racism. Is BBC implying that all conservatives are racist xenophobic terrorists, or just that all these adjectives have no real differentiation?
1SG Michael Farrell
Depends on context. And, it's hard for me to view most conservatives as fascists, except for those who claim things that fall into the fascist mode. I'm a progressive, and I can think of all sorts of things that the government possibly should be doing, but I don't believe in government ownership in the means of production. That in itself makes me not a communist. As I said, I'm not a member of an organized political party or movement; I'm a Democrat.
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