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Responses: 8
LTC Kevin B.
Trump's success is just a continuation of Obama's success. Show me on any of these where you see a change in the pattern. Job growth? Same pattern as Obama. GDP growth? Same pattern as Obama. Stock market? Same pattern as Obama. I'll give Trump credit for not messing up Obama's success.
SPC Ryan D.
SPC Ryan D.
>1 y
LTC Kevin B. These charts are a perfect example of how certain numbers are selectively picked to show a false narrative. You need to look at the big picture and all of the numbers and resulting factors. You’re showing correlation not causation. You also need to look at the unemployment numbers or “jobs” numbers as well along with a LOT of other factors. Obama’s policies of high taxes and massive regulation while allowing other countries to walk all over us with massive tariffs on products while devaluating their currency to manipulate our markets created a terrible economy for us. Saying otherwise is simply dishonest.

SPC Ryan D.
SPC Ryan D.
>1 y
LTC Kevin B. President Trump is bringing jobs back to America vs Obama who was sending them overseas in droves:

“Trump’s policies are likely causing a shift of manufacturing back to American soil”

“And this, despite dire pronouncements by Obama in June 2016 that manufacturing jobs “are just not going to come back.”

“The 284,000 manufacturing jobs created in 2018 was the most the industry has added in a calendar year since 1997,” the government report read.

DeVore credited Trump’s tax cuts from December 2017 as part of the reason for the booming numbers but also noted a key factor is the administration’s deregulatory efforts.”

“From a numbers perspective, 8.9 million people were out of work in January 2015 compared to 6.3 million people in December 2018.

Another remarkable change under Trump was the increase in manufacturing jobs, growing 714 percent faster under Trump than over a comparable period under Obama. The report indicated that 32,000 jobs were added just in December.”

“ A below-4-percent unemployment rate in December is only the 13th time since 1970 that this has occurred, the Bureau of Labor Statistics report indicated, adding that eight of those occurrences have been under Trumps watch”

See, it’s entirely dishonest to suggest Obama’s economy was as good as President Trumps, because it wasn’t. My bank account and freedoms are doing much better under our current President then our last.
SPC Ryan D.
SPC Ryan D.
>1 y
LTC Kevin B. I can keep this up all day because the percentages when looked at in detail prove your theory based on a few graphs entirely wrong:

“GDP growth staggered along at 1.5% in Mr. Obama’s final six full quarters in office. …growth doubled to 3% during Mr. Trump’s first six full quarters. …the increase in job openings over Mr. Trump’s first 21 months has averaged an impressive 75,000 a month. Over Mr. Obama’s last 21 months in office, the number of job openings increased an average of 900 a month. …During Mr. Obama’s last 21 months, the number of employed Americans increased an average of 157,000 a month. Under Mr. Trump, the increase has accelerated to 214,000 a month, a 36% improvement. …In Mr. Obama’s final 21 months, weekly earnings rose an average of $1.31 a month. Under Mr. Trump, weekly earnings have increased an average of $1.84 cents a month: a 40% improvement that’s come mostly since tax reform took effect in January. Over that period, weekly earnings have grown an average of $2.31 a month, a 76% increase over Mr. Obama’s last 21 months. …The unemployment rate declined 13% during Mr. Obama’s last 21 months, but from there it has dropped another 23% during Mr. Trump’s tenure.”
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
>1 y
SPC Ryan Dow - Nice try. Trump is simply maintaining the economy that he inherited. There has been no acceleration in economic growth. There has been no acceleration in the stock market. There has been no acceleration in the drop in unemployment. There has been no acceleration in manufacturing jobs. I'll give him credit for not screwing up the economy he inherited.
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CPT Jack Durish
President Obama is taking credit for an economic recovery that he claimed could not possibly occur? He has some 'splainin to do...
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1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
Most folks know the economy has been on the rise since Obama in 2009
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