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Responses: 11
FN Randy Bohlke
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) - I don't disagree that we are spread thin, of which Donald Trump isn't as much to blame as the previous three administrations. but I do disagree that illegal immigration and drug cartels aren't as big a threat as Russia. If I get a vote, we would pull out of most of the Middle East and Africa and focus on things that are of greater National Interest.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
MSgt Kurt S. - Huh? I do not even understand you statement/question. I simply ask what "illegal immigrant" is better off than American citizens. By the way, I spent my life working. No wealth.
FN Randy Bohlke
FN Randy Bohlke
>1 y
MSG Stan Hutchison I used to haul milk out of the big Dutch Dairy's in Michigan and Ohio a few years ago so I know a little about how this works Stan if you open your mind and believe what I'm telling you.

These illegal immigrants comeup here put 6 to 10 families in 1 house and will the men will work their asses off for a year sending their pay checks back down south so at the end of that year they go back to Mexico and live like millionaires.

How can they afford to send all their money home? I'm going to tell ya. The house that they live in is supplied by the Dutch farmer all utilities included, their wives and children get full blown welfare, foodstamps, healthcare everything and in some cases not all the even get cash assistance.

At the end of a year they go back down to Mexico and a family member and his family moved up and it's the same cycle I've seen it on numerous dairy farms and the farm my Step Son's work at do the same thing.

So you ask how the Illegal Immigrants are better off, is there any Scenario you can think of where you or I and our families could get it that good? The closest we got is the Military and you have to spend 20 to 30 years to come close to getting what they have when they get home and if we got caught defrauding the government like that we would be put in Jail.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
FN Randy Bohlke - You would not like my response, so I will leave this alone.
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Sgt Print Journalist
Edited >1 y ago
Wall being built for national defense . Too bad Dems in House won’t cooperate on wall $$ appropriations as it may interfer with their personal interests
FN Randy Bohlke MAJ (Join to see)
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) - I believe a politician lied. Name a President who has not made a promise outside the scope of their authority. Regardless of the politician the issue, or the party, are you surprised.

Here's the truth:
_the people who voted for him have not stopped supporting him because US taxpayer's are paying the wall. They want a secure border.
_the people who did not vote for him wouldn't change their mind if he paid for it out of his own pocket.. They want a different President.
FN Randy Bohlke
FN Randy Bohlke
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) plus all the components that go with it.
FN Randy Bohlke
FN Randy Bohlke
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) yes we did, that was part of the reason we elected Trump to be our President he promised to seal up the southern Border and stop the flow of Illegals and Drugs that are killing our people.
FN Randy Bohlke
FN Randy Bohlke
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) Over a 100 Billion dollars a year to take care of said Illegal Immigrants, let that sink in, we can deport them all we want but with a wide open southern border they will be back. With the new trade deal with Mexico and taxes put on money's being sent back to Mexico by these Illegal Immigrants on top of keeping them out and paying for it's in theory we will actually make money because of the wall.

Does that help clear things up Chris?
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Sgt Print Journalist
Edited >1 y ago
However you cut it, Illegal immigration is carried On the backs of the Taxpayers and a threat to the security of US citizens
FN Randy Bohlke Capt Dwayne Conyers CPT Bob Coleman MAJ (Join to see)
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Corrected my statement, left some words out.
MAJ Anesthesiologist
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes, ask Trump and Congress to add more money in next year's budget for the wall. Add more funding to US Customs and Border Protection. Don't take appropriated funds from our military that is already cash strapped.
FN Randy Bohlke
FN Randy Bohlke
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) This is how Government Work's Chris, I didn't hear all this crying and complaining when Obama did the same thing.
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