Posted on Jan 25, 2020
Dude, where’s my Little Bird? Army closes ‘stolen helicopter’ investigation
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 3
All is well that ends well, but boy oh boy, the Scuttlebut must have been fast and furious until they found the paper trail. LOL
left hand didn't know what the right was doing
On a "similar" note-
Both when I got short in the army at Ft Polk and after the Gulf War festivities closed down when i was in the Nasty Guard at Camp Shelby MS , I gave thought to "stealing" an M1 tank , mostly in retaliation for being "F---ed with " by some of TPTB, so to speak . I was not going to "steal" one , just "hide" one for a while. I was going to do this by finding an unoccupied tank while we were out in the field , take the antennas off, and then drive/crash it into the nearest deep "pond" I could find, and hope it goes totally under where it could not be seen, and then watch the "CHAOS" LOL. Might have worked in the real army because I have seen the flip outs when any sensitive item disappears. I have to wonder if the National Guard after Desert Storm would have cared. My company "lost" $140,000 of TII/BII off our company tanks , the good stuff, during training for Desert Storm at NTC and Shelby, like PVS-7's(night vision googles), those $200 Buck bayonets , even a some pistols, rifles-or so i heard , etc. It was all just wrote off , no questions asked, no investigations . If I had known that , I might have been severely tempted to see the 4 PVS-7's disappear and maybe a couple M240's or a M2 50 cal off my tank, maybe see a whole tank "disappear". But alas, I was a little too regulation to think about such things.
On a "similar" note-
Both when I got short in the army at Ft Polk and after the Gulf War festivities closed down when i was in the Nasty Guard at Camp Shelby MS , I gave thought to "stealing" an M1 tank , mostly in retaliation for being "F---ed with " by some of TPTB, so to speak . I was not going to "steal" one , just "hide" one for a while. I was going to do this by finding an unoccupied tank while we were out in the field , take the antennas off, and then drive/crash it into the nearest deep "pond" I could find, and hope it goes totally under where it could not be seen, and then watch the "CHAOS" LOL. Might have worked in the real army because I have seen the flip outs when any sensitive item disappears. I have to wonder if the National Guard after Desert Storm would have cared. My company "lost" $140,000 of TII/BII off our company tanks , the good stuff, during training for Desert Storm at NTC and Shelby, like PVS-7's(night vision googles), those $200 Buck bayonets , even a some pistols, rifles-or so i heard , etc. It was all just wrote off , no questions asked, no investigations . If I had known that , I might have been severely tempted to see the 4 PVS-7's disappear and maybe a couple M240's or a M2 50 cal off my tank, maybe see a whole tank "disappear". But alas, I was a little too regulation to think about such things.
SGT Kevin Hughes
First, I am so glad you didn't carry through on your thoughts, I understand them, but believe me, I think they would have missed the "humor". Peons get nailed, the higher up ones usually just get to retire. Those NVG's and Bayonets would have been "hand Receipted" to individuals when I was in...and somebody would have had to pay for them. But that still wouldn't have stopped some of my buddies from bringing a thing or two home. Heck , they didn't even let us keep our Field Jackets!
You stay safe. And thanks for the laugh!
You stay safe. And thanks for the laugh!
SSG Robert Mark Odom Damn It, You thought You had Problems when You Misplaced Your Car Keys,
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