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Responses: 4
SGT Kevin Hughes
Good Idea gone bad...and never recovered. Yet despite his intellectual honesty, he was as brutal and Dictatorial as any of his Intellectual Progeny: including Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot... .
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
>1 y
PO1 Robert Payne - I have to (slightly) disagree with you on this one Bob. As Communism is currently practiced, the end result is exactly as you presented it. Socialism - as practiced in the Baltic Countries- works. There are still plenty of Independent minds up there- slightly soused in Vodka most winters. LOL

I have been there many times, and there is a reason they are some of the happiest and productive Nations on Earth. Yes they have some trials and tribulations, but they don't have the fierce seeking of power, money, or greed that we seem to ferment in our Society.
But as one of my friends from Finland said: "We are small countries, some of your cities have more people in them than our whole country. Maybe it just can't scale up...like some chemical, or technological systems."

I think she has a point.
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
>1 y
PO1 Robert Payne - Hmmm...I have to ponder, and I hate that. LOL I wonder if it is because we treasure Indepence so much that we can't make the leap to interdependence? I compare it to school. In school, we have to get an A in every subject without teamwork. When we all get in the "Real" world we are woefully unprepared for the simple fact we will be working in Teams, and that the best at something are the ones we rely on, but they are still part of the Team.
My Military Service is the only part of my early education that understood that. Everyone learned to shoot but some were betters than others...so you counted on them -for shooting. For other things you counted on other Squad or Platoon Mates...and nobody got left behind. At that is the end of my pondering. LOL
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Col Carl Whicker
Thank you, David.
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SPC Douglas Bolton
Not a good man.
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