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Responses: 80
SGT Military Police
I think he was absolutely terrifying. He claims to place the Constitution, and then completely ignores it when he starts in on his religious tirade. I don't care that he's a Christian, good for him; I do care that he was actively pushing their agenda though. If you're going to claim you stand for liberty and the Constitution, then don't talk about how you will start stripping liberty from everyone who disagrees with your religious ideology. Don't say you support the Constitution, and then demonize Islam as the only religion with extremists in their midst. I'm not an atheist, more aligned with Christian values, but the ridiculous "live and let live" double standard is really starting to get under my skin. I'm pretty tired of that being the mantra when it involves Christianity, but anyone else and it's suddenly nonexistent.

In addition, his views on other things were interesting to say the least. Private health care will provide cheaper, better healthcare for everyone? Unlikely since that system was broke long before the Affordable Care Act (which wasn't a great idea either). Instead of pushing for real immigration reform and a better relationship with our neighbors, he wants to make it more difficult? Because that has worked so well. Maybe having a more streamlined process would help the illegal immigration problem. Just yeah, completely terrifying platform he established last night. I am not a staunch liberal either, I would strongly consider Christie for example, but I'm not ever going to support a candidate who was a complete hypocrite for a large majority of the speech.

He was pandering for a specific demographic which bothers me a lot, even if here it will be extremely unpopular.
SSG Buddy Kemper
SSG Buddy Kemper
>1 y
Vote GOP
Sgt Jay Jones
Sgt Jay Jones
>1 y
SGT Steven Vanhulle, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! That has to be of best breakdowns of the problems with Senator Ted Cruz. I am a resident of Texas. I did not vote for Ted Cruz, nor will I ever. I witnessed his campaign for the U.S. Senate through the primaries and the general election. I have not seen that level of dishonesty and lies in a long time. This includes against both Republican and Democratic opponents. Everything I have seen him do in the Senate has only been done to benefit Ted Cruz. He led the shutdown on the U.S. Government to the tune of 26 million dollars which the taxpayers will never see again. He played the Hispanic race card for becoming the first Hispanic Senator from Texas. I have seen him do nothing for the Hispanic community in Texas. In my opinion he is a completely dishonest and self serving individual!
SSgt Jim Rooth
SSgt Jim Rooth
>1 y
I am afraid...very afraid.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
>1 y
Carl, if you feel my response was too apathetic to you comment and it would seem that I inadvertently attacked your character. I would like to say the content of your character does reflect your beliefs and I strongly disagree with your assumption that there are no “radical” Christian. You are correct that the Westboro Baptist Church is not a Tea Party group. I was replying with my smartphone and auto correct has a tendency to edit what I wrote. Nonetheless, the Tea Party is a movement focus on bigotry and distortions based on my observation although they are not as extreme as the Westboro Church.

To aspersion that true Muslim is a radical religion is ridiculous. Every religion have at one time or another has been used to controlled the population. Many people from all walks of life have different interpretation of their religion as well as their own perversion of what “God” said. I believe that the Tea Party Evangelical Christian is a great example of this perversion. The GOP want to turn this nation into a Christian nation advocating about the righteousness of people’s life by oppressing the homosexual, immigrants, middle-class, and the poor not to mention women all in the name of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible. If the GOP want to use the bible as their source of “law” they need to be firm and include every versus condemning forbidden act such as no eating shellfish, no tattoo, and prohibiting woman from wearing jewelry.

By cutting program such as food stamps, refusing to accept the ACA, and filibuster the VA Bill are just example of their agendas while giving millionaires and billionaire more tax cut. This isn’t very Christian if you ask me or anyone for that matter. As I vividly recall Jesus helped the poor, cured the sick, and fed the hunger. Additionally, there is not one job bill the GOP has put out except for their Keystone XL which supposedly created thousands of “part-time/seasonal” new jobs and only 55 or so permanent job that would more than likely be occupied by Canadians, not Americans. Rafael Cruz is more extreme and I can envision what his intentions are.
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I feel very strongly that this country needs a strong centrist party. I lament that we won't have one.

Ted Cruz is a Tea Partier, and the fact of the matter is that extremist candidates are bad for this country. Choosing an extremist will just further the polarization of DC, which really started getting bad under Clinton/Gingrich, and has gone down hill from there.

I know that the vast majority of people here in RP land probably like right wing candidates, but how far must we go?

Nixon was GOP, he started the Environmental Protection Agency.
Reagan was GOP. Tea Partiers today criticize many of his things as too liberal.

The problem with the electoral process is that candidates today play to the extreme left and right during the primaries. Then, when they make it to the General Election, they totally change their tune, knowing they have to win over some from the opposite party. This perpetuates the problem of candidates lying about who they are and what they believe. By the time that day in November comes around, we have no idea who these people on the ballot are, because they contradict themselves so much during the process.

A Moderate, Centrist candidate would at least not have to play to the extremes to get the nomination, and so would able to be more honest during the campaign. I lament how badly polarized things have gotten.

I fear that no matter who wins next year, America LOSES...
PO3 Operations Specialist
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>1 y
The Virginia Plan created the electoral college which was written by James Madison being a representative of slave states he took advantage of their populous. Twelve out of the first sixteen presidents I believe were from slave states due to that strategic move. There was later compromise between the opposing party that a slave state could not be added to the union unless a free state also joined which would later even out the numbers. Madison was a bit of an elitist and didn't want to hand over that much power to the plebeians. Hamilton and him both did not think that the "common folk" should make that decision. I think that is how it all came together been awhile since 1301 history.
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>1 y
OS3, thanks for the history lesson. Irrespective of the history, the Electoral process is here now, and probably here to stay, because I just don't see Congress ever doing something that limits their power...
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LCDR Jaron Matlow, we *do* elect the president separately from Congress. The use of an indirect election and the electoral college does not make the president a member of the Congress. The hallmark of the parliamentary system mentioned by MAJ Carl Ballinger, as distinguished from the presidential system we have, is that the head of the executive is an elected member of the legislature first, and chosen the be the head of the executive from within the legislature typically based on relative party strength and holding party leadership positions.

Electors are normally chosen by the parties, but are not typically members of Congress. and even if they were, the executive is still elected separately from, as opposed to from within, the assembly. This is what enables us (but not parliamentary style governments) to have an executive from a different party than the party with the majority in the legislative branch.
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>1 y
I did not say that the President is a member of Congress. Perhaps I mis-stated as to who comprises the Electoral College, but I was under the impression that it was the House...
COL Charles Williams
I just want a president that cares about America, and all of us, more than they care about themselves and petty party politics. Strong on Defense, Security and Reducing Waste in the Federal Government would be good.
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
>1 y
I don't know enough about him... I do know I don't like what we have now. Hopefully we will get a strong republican candidate, that will carry the day and fix the last 8 years...
CW4 Larry Curtis
CW4 Larry Curtis
>1 y
I'm afraid neither party has anyone like that to offer, COL Williams. But I am with you 100% about the type of president we need. The one we have now has not been good in many ways, and those other two branches of the government have not been doing very well either. Maybe we just need to flush the toilet and start over with a new bunch of politicians...or something. I only have confidence in a very few on the right, and none at all on the left. I saw someone mention they thought Trey Gowdy from South Carolina should make a run, but I don't think we need him anywhere else but where he is currently in order for us to get the most out of him.
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Hard to be strong on defense and strong on reducing waste at the same time.
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
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