Posted on Jan 20, 2020
Gun industry gathers amid slumping sales, rising tensions
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 3
Good article and very informative. I own a gun sales business. I also follow reports from ATF and the FBI. I receive their news letters weekly. Gun sales will fluctuate periodically for a verity of reasons sometimes without valid reasons. Sales may depend on where you live, the crime rate locally, lack of effective law enforcement, local political climate, and pending gun control laws at the state and federal level. Gun sales went through the roof and set records during the Obama years. So did membership in the NRA. Maybe under the current administration people feel a lesser need to arm themselves. Food for thought anyway.
MSgt Gerald Orvis
I agree with your reasons for fluctuating gun sales. You have an insider's view of that. Here in Virginia, gun sales are going through the roof just now as people anticipate the Dem legislature rolling on gun control. And, one must remember that the Associated Press (which reported the story above) is a left-wing, pro-gun control media that always seems to report the negatives about the gun industry and gun rights, so this story fits right in with its agenda.
LTC Lee Bouchard
No question about the medias role and anti-gun stance. Assuming the Governor can get the law passed it will be interesting to watch how the law will be implemented and who will enforce it. Where I live local Sheriff's would ignore it and tell the Governor what door to use leaving the Court House.
I'm sure a "their gonna take your guns" boogeyman will be tossed out by the NRA in order to drum up sales.
Cpl Mark McMiller
1SG (Join to see) - No, actually, many of the guns we want are unlawful to own due to the National Firearms Act of 1934, the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, the Gun Control Act of 1968, the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986 as well as tens of thousands of other useless state and local gun-control statutes still on the books. Get a clue.
SSgt Christopher Brose
"I'm sure a 'their gonna take your guns' boogeyman will be tossed out by the NRA in order to drum up sales."
Sales of what? NRA memberships? The NRA doesn't sell guns.
Sales of what? NRA memberships? The NRA doesn't sell guns.
1SG (Join to see)
Cpl Mark McMiller - Out of curiosity, what kind of guns are you in need of that you can't have because of law?
Cpl Mark McMiller
1SG (Join to see) - Need has nothing to do with it. There is no Bill of Needs in our Constitution but rather a Bill of Rights. I want a fully-automatic rifle of my choosing and not have to pay upwards of $20,000 to purchase one built on one of the very limited quantity of vintage receivers because the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986 says I can't own a new one.
Looks like I may need to help slumping sales then.
Gun sales do go up and down depending on a number of things occurring either nationally or locally or both. Some of us buy weapons when we see a good deal or when we decide it is time to add to the collection. Others may do so due to a perceived risk of danger (crime etc.) or with an infringement on ownership as gets threatened from time to time by tyrants on the left. Then there are general economic realities. How much disposable income do people have and what are they spending it on etc. There are a lot of guns out there already, don't be deceived by sales trends.
Gun sales do go up and down depending on a number of things occurring either nationally or locally or both. Some of us buy weapons when we see a good deal or when we decide it is time to add to the collection. Others may do so due to a perceived risk of danger (crime etc.) or with an infringement on ownership as gets threatened from time to time by tyrants on the left. Then there are general economic realities. How much disposable income do people have and what are they spending it on etc. There are a lot of guns out there already, don't be deceived by sales trends.
MAJ Byron Oyler
Have you heard of the CMP special? I was able to get one for $700 delivered to my house Texas-FED Ex for $700. Receiver was a WWII build however the rifle looks brand new. Barrel probably has only had a couple rounds fired (if any) during production.
CMP's new grade of M1 Garand. This rifle consists of a new production stock and handguard set with CMP cartouche, a new production barrel and new web sling. Receiver and most other parts are refinished USGI, but some parts may be new manufacture. Receiver may have pitting (as seen in the picture below). See item for details.
CMP's new grade of M1 Garand. This rifle consists of a new production stock and handguard set with CMP cartouche, a new production barrel and new web sling. Receiver and most other parts are refinished USGI, but some parts may be new manufacture. Receiver may have pitting (as seen in the picture below). See item for details.

M1 Garand - Civilian Marksmanship Program
Index: CMP Garand Grading Criteria -Field Grade M1 Garand -Service Grade M1 Garand -Special Grade M1 Garand -M1C Garand "Sniper" Model -M1D Garand "Sniper" Model -M1 Garand Drill Rifles More Information: Ordering Information Eligibility Requirements Contact Customer Service Per the newly completed and signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the U.S. Army and the Civilian Marksmanship Program, M1 Garands willContinue Reading
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