Posted on Jan 6, 2020
Kansas City mayor sending Jack Stack Barbecue to Miami as a thank you for Dolphins’ victory
Edited 5 y ago
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 4
Should have sent some to refs for KC - NE game, and good luck to KC vs. TN. A good season with many good teams. At the least, NE had a good run like so many before...GB DAL SF PIT etc. The young running QBs rule now. NE just didn't bring it together this year. Good luck to remaining 8 teams. Best BBQ is from TN besides. NC not bad, or KC either. Best steak I ever had was KC cut ribeye in mid 60s while camping.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
CWO3 (Join to see) Thanksgiving Tradition I send Jack Stack BBQ to My Kids and Grandkids in the Pacific Northwest.
CWO3 (Join to see)
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - Adopt me then. J/K. Corky's is about the only outlet that ships commercially out of Memphis. They have the World BBQ Cookoff in Memphis for a reason.
Ought to send a whole bunch more to the Titans, since I doubt that KC could have beaten the, patriots!!
LTC Tom McNew
CWO3 (Join to see) - Wow!! A Pats fan complaining about getting two TDs taken away from them!!??!! How many other teams / players have a rule in the rule that is named for one of them ("the Brady Tuck Rule")????? The correct answer is ZERO.
The pats have had an amazing run....but, yeah, they have bent / broken / bulldozed just about every damn rule in the book.....I'd crash the RP server if I started linking all of them in this thread. Beli-cheat and Jerrah are the reason that I refuse to watch the NFL....and I used to be a Cowboys fan.
The pats have had an amazing run....but, yeah, they have bent / broken / bulldozed just about every damn rule in the book.....I'd crash the RP server if I started linking all of them in this thread. Beli-cheat and Jerrah are the reason that I refuse to watch the NFL....and I used to be a Cowboys fan.
CWO3 (Join to see)
LTC Tom McNew - Cowboys says it all on complaining. The joke when Irving and rest were playing was - where do you find 11 felons in one place = Cowboys huddle. We had our Hernandez also, but they sliced his brain and found possibly worst case of CTH ever. He ran with a fast crowd too. The cheatriot rant lost steam once the facts came out. Courts ruled on inflate-gate, but the science didn't support it. One guy changed the inflation of a dozen or so balls in a minute and change? Happens to tires annually, without human involvement. At least DAL got rid of the deadwood Garrett finally. BB is on to 2020, maybe. Haters are gonna hate. They knew how to make a comeback. Ask Seattle and Atlanta.

The Definitive Guide to NFL Cheating - Your Team Cheats
So you think there's only one NFL team who cheats? You're wrong. All 32 NFL teams cheat. Yup, even your favorite team is dirty cheater, but since they are not that good, nobody really cares.
LTC Tom McNew
CWO3 (Join to see) - Like I said, I don't watch the NFL anymore....
but I noticed that you didn't even comment on the rules changes that have all worked in the pats favor......
Have a great off season.....Oh, and HOOK EM HORNS!!!
but I noticed that you didn't even comment on the rules changes that have all worked in the pats favor......
Have a great off season.....Oh, and HOOK EM HORNS!!!
CWO3 (Join to see)
LTC Tom McNew - Both Manning and Brady were instrumental in many rule changes, as they sat on the committee(s) that pertained. Same with HCs, GMs and Owners. It's not the same game as in 60s with all the questionable ticky-tack calls. Some don't stand up to video. Good luck with your picks.
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