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Responses: 6
MAJ James Woods
Yep. Fiona Hill was a strong witness who spoke with conviction and confidence in everything she said. One doesn’t have to agree with her but she sure as hell wasn't fumbling with her words or mincing them. Oh and definitely made sure she had the opportunity to respond to directed attacks by members who used their entire time to criticize and make accusations with the intent of not allowing a response. Its was an interesting day.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
5 y
CPT Lawrence Cable Ah yes the $1B in aid to assist Ukrainian government’s efforts against Russian incursion and operations in the region. The same aid that a bipartisan Congress under GOP majority approved under Obama. Now lets say there was a legitimate concern by Trump that another aid package in 2019 would fall into the wrong hands. All he had to do was go to the very Congress that passed the aid bill by huge bipartisan margins that he’s withholding the aid and assigning the State Dept. to negotiate additional conditions to mitigate corruption concerns. You mean Trump couldn’t tell McConnell or Graham his intentions?
Strong evidence of Americans involved in the misuse of funds? Um yeah I heard this conspiracy. It’s the “$1.5B was given to Burisma and $3M was paid to Hunter Biden” theory. Hahaha! Ok sure. Again with Barr and Pompeo as Trump’s henchmen, it would’ve been easy to assign State and Justice dept. officials to investigate without putting any hold on aid and without using a personal lawyer that doesn’t work for the Us government as the point man.
Yeah make all the excuses you want but bottomline Trump used outside channels to conceal his intentions and when questioned by DoD, State, and Congressional officials the Mulvaney led OMB and WH staff went full spin until they had no choice but release the aid on 9/11; consequently the same day Trump ignorantly planned to meet Taliban leaders at Camp David before being shamed out of doing that as well. Not a lot of good decision making by this Admin when it comes to foreign policy and national security.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
5 y
MAJ James Woods - I've posted this before, but why listen to one of the reform politicians in the country involved, right. The fact is that our intervention in the Ukraine turned it into another failed state where the political elite profited from their Association with the US. https://en.interfax.com.ua/news/press-conference/625831.html
SSgt William Quinn
SSgt William Quinn
5 y
MAJ James Woods - Russia was still pulling many strings in Ukraine and used that nation and contacts to interfere. Ukraine court has ruled that happened.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
5 y
SSgt William Quinn So now it’s Russian operatives using Ukrainian sources to interfere with the US election in the same manner they used US sources to interfere in the election. Ok I can accept that theory. But that’s not what Trump, Giuliani and others are saying; their belief is Ukraine government operatives with no attachments to Russia are solely behind the interference and Russia is a scapegoat by Obama Deep State. That is a false conspiracy.
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1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
Conspiracy theories from the GOP keep getting debunked. I'm sure a new one will surface.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
5 y
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MAJ Ken Landgren
According to Trump, Republicans, and Fox News, all is well and Trump is winning.
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